Lack of significant graphical improvement aside, Gamespot has to be incompetent apes if they think ANY of these pictures are worth a damn in a comparison. The authors of these articles must not spend more than 30-40 seconds compiling screen caps for these.
Now that i think about it, i think its kind of dumb they made a beta. How many hours do you think they poured into the beta to make sure it played correctly? I would rather them concentrate their efforts on getting the damned game done rather than satisfying the publics need for new tidbits on how the production is going.
How was Halo:CE not about the graphics? Its early launch stunned people with what the Xbox could do and pushed the envelope for future games. It wasnt revolutionary, but it was damned impressive for a console. Bungie is too afraid. They were incredibly successful with the first Halo, and were too afraid to push the envelope again with Halo 2. They've gotten success and are now complacent. They dont want to risk alienating any Halo fans and so they leave the gameplay virtually unchanged. It looks like they tacked on a couple of add-ons for Halo 3..but still nothing revolutionary. I was really hoping for more realistic, slower gameplay, not the constant running and jumping that came w/ Halo 1&2 mp. Maybe a bit of tactical play thrown in, like Rainbow Six, or use of cover and stuff, like Gears of War. It wouldnt have to be too drastic, just enough to keep the game fresh and different. Too bad Bungie is too worried about sales and not about making the best possible game it can. I'll still buy it opening day and will play it constantly...but still. eh.
The TV you guys use must be falling apart. Ive got a 12 year old+ tv and Halo 2 looks worlds better than yours does. Mine looks like the Vista screens.
mikeg0788's comments