I feel like this is very fake news. unfortunately.
Miketroid's forum posts
They need to remaster killzone 2 for ps4. Especially after they shutdown servers for killzone 2 and 3 for ps3. >:(
Id rather have a top 10 games that define me...but okay...
Metroid Prime
Killzone 2
Demon's Souls
When they don't offer physical editions for new games that's when I will stop. ( of course I will still be able to play my old games)
I feel like God of War is very very strong game of the year contender as it basically represents the good parts of the gaming industry. Creative talent and no unfriendly consumer business pracrices. I know RDR2 is coming out and we should consider it's importance obviously, however something about it doesn't resonate well with me..
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (PS4) - 9/10. Just a overall fun game to play with your friends couch co-op.
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 9.9/ 10. I would give this game a 10, but the god awful weapon durability prevents me giving it a perfect score.
DOOM (2016) (Switch) - 9/10. Doom reboot is pretty much a reminder of why I play VGs in the first place. Oh and the switch port of it is just stunning.... Wish It had Snapmap tho.
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