My, oh my. It has been a long time since I've written here and interacted on the unions. In my defense... I have a life. Haha, I'm joking. I love and miss blogging and interacting here. Actually, I've been trying to study my @$$ off for my exams and they finished quite quickly, since I only have two of them. Though, I still think I screwed up. Also, I don't think engineering is my line of subject anymore, off to search for a new one. Information Tech and Computer science seems to fit me more.
I still have unfinished feature blog series to finish off but I'll get to them soon. But to start off again and slowly get back into blogging here, I'll start with a simple feature blog soon. Then I'll get back into participating in unions, The Batcave gets priority since I miss it there and it is one of the first unions (if not the first) I ever joined.
I'll cya around the site!