mikey20100 Blog
my new web site
by mikey20100 on Comments
I made a new web site http://www.freewebs.com/mikey20100/ people can join, their's a fourm, a chat box, games, and some more stuff. I made it a few days ago.
my youtube
by mikey20100 on Comments
my youtube future
by mikey20100 on Comments
I have made a theme song thing and it will appear in most of my newer videos. 3 videos are set to relese and only 1 will show the theme. 2 out of three will have ssbb in it. and the last 1 will be kind of random (the ccg cards). 1 is saving, 1 i need to edit, and the other 1 hasn't even been made yet.
p.s. i might upload the 1st one tomarrow and the 2nd depending when the package comes.
naruto ccg *update* and other stuff
by mikey20100 on Comments
naruto ccg
by mikey20100 on Comments
on the 5th I ordered (with the help of my mom) a naruto ccg boost box with 24 packs. it is from the naruto path to hokage set.im w8ing for it to come (hopefully tomarrow). when i open it i will record me opening the box and packs. I will up load the video on youtube. i am hoping to complete the set with the box ( i only had 1 booster pack from the set). I should get most of it since there are like 110-120 cards in the set and there are 10 cards per pack and there are 24 packs so 10x24=240 and 240-120=120 so at least 120 doubles. I should have enough cards to make a deck. in other news my school had a field trip today and i had enough time to finish reading the last half of the spiderwick book 1 and front to back of book 2 + time left over to do other stuff.
I hoped every one enjoyed the math lesson.
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