Since this level got me puzzled for a while and I could't find a walktrough I've decided to write my own for future reference.
Now. this is the penultimate level of the extended version of Infestor that has 65 levels instead of 40 and is, IMO, the hardest to figure out.
You start off in the upmost left of the level. Go right and infest the first worker.
Push the first crate left untill it drops down, leave the second one alone for now.
Drop one level, push both crates left untill they fall and go right.
Stand underneath the crevice before the upmost right platform and jump-detach from the worker to get to the second worker.Infest him.
Push remainig crate left and follol it to the level below . Once its down push it right and drop down again.
Infest overseer , go all the way left and drop down. Jump-detach from him to make it to the convair belts.
Do not infest jet scout right now.
Continue right and drop-infest the guard, you can shoot a couple of the traps now, but be carefull not to shoot the jet scout .
Go left and infest worker 3 , now go back to where you dropped down and continer right.
Push the crate to the first edge (dont let it fall one level or you wont be able to make the jump).Jump on top of it and jump-detach from worker 3.
Infest worker 4 and go right. Push both crates right untill they fall and go back left.
Don't infest overseer, go left and drop down after the convairs.
Infest jet scout and go all the way right jumping on the crates you pushed down with worker 4. Climb up, infest worker 5.
Go left and push the crate into the hole , continue left, drop down and go left .
Infest overseer and go to where worker 3 was. Open the door and teleport.
Now go left to where you dropped down with worker 5 but instead climb up. Open the door, detach and voila.
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