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millwrought Blog

Sony Screwed Up Undead Knights

Early this morning I logged onto the PSN store for the PSP and lo and behold the demo for Undead Knights was up. The action hack n' slash from Koei Tecmo was a game I've been looking forward to a while, with it's cheesy story and setting and the unique feature of turning enemies into zombies for you to command to do things like…make zombie bridges!

As it was a demo, I wasn't expecting it to last very long, but there was several odd things about the demo. First off all the characters were unlocked, second off all the difficulty levels were unlocked, and third the japanese demo for the game was only about 100 mb's while the US version was 500 mb's! Big difference.

So I've been now playing the game for a while, and onto the sixth level.This is weird, I think to myself. This is a pretty big ass demo! Well, I was wrong. After searching the interwebs I found through users on multiple forums that it was actually the full game, Sony screwed up and put the full thing up and not the demo bit.

To confirm this I checked up on the PSN store, and Sony has pulled the 'demo' from the store. Look's like it was true.

Koei Tecmo probably had a lot potential customers lost over this today, I wonder how they'll respond? All we can do now is sit back and laugh at another epic fail from Sony.

Check out the original story on my blogPlayer 1 Only!

Microsoft Press Conference is Upon us!

Yep E3 is upon us, and so is Microsoft's Press Conference!

I'll be chatting on Twitter, so I suggest that everybody get a Twitter account so we can chat :D I'll also be online posting in System War forums, check me out there.

New Review: Deadwasher: Dead Samurai

Difficulty:HardTime Spent:10 Hours or LessThe Bottom Line:"Just plain fun"
XBLAThe Dishwasher: Dead Samurai is a recent action game created by the one man development team of James Silva, a 2D game with tons of flash in a unique art-****that really sets the game apart. But does the game have enough substance to find a way to cut its way to your heart, and wallet?

The real thing that sets this game out from others is its unique and crazy goth/emoish art sty le that has a very hand-drawn feel to them and they do look really good. Some really intense things graphics-wise are the special effects like explosions, or dish-magic bursts. The environments look really good, though they start to get repetitive towards the end of the single-player campaign, and enemy designs are cool and varied from cyborgs to jet-pack equipped troopers. And the blood is also crazy and cool as hell, and really puts Ninja Gaiden 2's blood effects to shame. Overall the game is really beautiful and a great place to unleash all of your mayhem in, though some of the boss character do look pretty bad, as just some of them are just plain enemy character just bigger, and their character models look stretched and ugly.

Dishwasher: Dead Samurai follows the story of…well…a Dishwasher who happens to wake up remembering he was dead and that his heart was stolen, who then goes on a bloody rampage of revenge to find the one who took his heat. It's a tale of cyborgs, a crazy Chef, and rocking guitar solos. If this sounds super awesome, I'm afraid to tell you the story makes no complete sense, and in the end will leave you more confused than anything else. The problem is that the story is told via small cramped comic book pannel-esque scenes, the art is ugly and too dark, and thanks to the short amount of space in these panels the story is never really fleshed out and the writing is more melodramatic if anything.

While the story is a complete mess, the game play is anything but. It plays like a side-scrolling beat 'em up that played tons of Ninja Gaiden. There are tons of combos and things to do, with 5 different weapons that are completely different from each other and offer tons of ways to dispatch enemies. The cleavers are powerful super-close combat weapons that deal out tons of brutal damage, while the shift blade allows you to teleport around and be a little more tactical in the way you battle. There are two other weapons I would love to talk about, but they're a joy to discover for yourself, but you'll know them as soon as you pick them up. You also will sometimes find "dish-magic" for you to use, which unleash incredible blasts of energy which helps with clearing the screen when you're low on health.

There's also RPG element to the game in the form of upgrading your weapons, buying items, etc. It's pretty light and really isn't that deep, but it's cool to have. You'll earn money from dispatching your enemies, and also guitar picks which to upgrade or buy stuff, but it always seems that you're in a short supply of money and picks and you'll have to careful choose what you wish to buy or upgrade

And you'll need all of these combos and weapons to take out your cunning and powerful enemies. You get all sorts of crazy enemies from commandos that chuck grenades to zombies, the amount of enemies are staggering for a small game like Dishwasher, and each feel like they belong in the game and have their own crazy way of kicking your ass. The AI is great, though can be frustrating hard for some people. It was for me until I actually learned to use the combos, and to find the weaknesses for each enemy, which then the game became challenging but very satisfying. Also boss characters are fun to fight, apart from the before-mentioned big version of little enemies (Kinda like Power Rangers, amirite?).

One of the stand-out things is that when enemies are knocked out, a symbol above the enemies head will tell you to either use the 'X' button or the 'Y' button to dispatch them, and when you dispatch them correctly you'll get a awesome execute sequence and a small bit of health and money, sometimes floating skulls to replenish your dish-magic meter.

Also for 800 Microsoft (10 real world USD.) you comes with lots of content. While the single-player will only last you about 4-6 hours, there's also an arcade mode which gives you ton's of missions which you can try to earn higher and higher scores in an challenge-base format, like defeating all enemies with only 1 type of weapon. You can also submit scores to an online leader board to try and get your enemy up there as a high scorer. It adds a ton of replay value for an arcade game that you normally don't see.

Also, just as a note, there's guitar mini-game which are awesome!

Overall for 800 points, Dishwasher to a great title that many hardcore action fans will enjoy, from the deep and amazing combat system, with the stunning graphics and special effects, and tons of fun and challenging enemies for you to take on. And while some of the boss character can look almost laughable bad, and the game can sometimes make you feel like snapping your controller in half, it's a great experience that everybody should at least try out the trial version.

FINAL SCORE: 8.5 out of 10.

Blog: Best Buy Sale, and Angry Words for Gamefly.

Hey folks its me! Time for some hot blogin' action peoples!

First off I went off this Sunday to the Best Buy sale, and was sad to not see Fracture there, but did run out with Silent Hill: Homecoming, Alone in the Dark, and that Bourne game. It was pretty awesome, so I went back today to see if they had anything else, and found that they had ONE more copy of 007: QoS, and I also found out I had no money on me for some weird reason.

Soooo... I hid it.

Yes I'm a bad person, but I'll go tomorrow and pick it up. I hope it's still there :P Did anyone else go to this huge ass sale? If so what did you get?

Also I have some very mean words for Gamefly...DO YOUR F*$#ING JOB!

Now I pay a good 20 something bucks for this service, and I expected it to work a lot like Netflix, well it does, but it doesn't. First off, when it says that they have the game in stock and DON'T SEND ME IT, I get p@!$ed. But after they do it a second time, I get even MORE P@!$ED! And it takes them like a week to get the godd$%& game, and another godd$%& week for them to send me a new one. GODD$%&IT!

Anyway, now that I got that out of my system, here's what I've been doing so far:

Currently Playing: Call of Juarez (360), The Maw (360), Puzzle Quest (DS).

Last Finished: Silent Hill: Homecoming (360).

Upcoming Reviews: Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, Silent Hill: Homecoming.

Currently Listening to: Disturbed (Mixed), Mass Effect (Soundtrack) and Demon Hunter (Storm the Gates of Hell)

(I know Demon Hunter is a Christan band, but they're really good!)

Currently Reading: Turn Coat by Jim Butcher.

(I'm a huge fan of the Dresden files books, so looking forward to finishing this one!)

Last Thing Bought: Silent Hill: Homecoming (360), Alone in the Dark (360), and The Bourne Conspiracy (360).

So look out for a couple of reviews here shortly, and peace out folks!

Just Beat Eternal Sonata.

So yep, just beat it, now my next game to beat is Bioshock (Yes, I still haven't beat it.).

But soon, I want to get a couple new games, and here's the list I was looking at:

  1. Command And Conquer: Tiberium Wars
  2. Lord of the Rings: Battles for Middle Earth 2
  3. The Darkness (Already owned, but I want to get it again.)
  4. Conan
  5. Enchanted Arms
  6. F.E.A.R. Files
  7. Ninety-Nine Nights
  8. Blue Dragon

So yeah, that's it, tell me what one to get, or suggest something else, I only have a budget of 40 USD until I get working again.

So expect my Enternal Sonata review up shortly.

My Must-Need-Games '08: Microsoft Exclusives

5. Infinte Undiscovery

-This is an RPG that is truly pushing the genre forward. With some great design choices, from commanding units, to battles where fighting isn't the best option, to some of the best graphics for an RPG. This is one to look forward to for any RPG Gamer.

NOTE: Gamestop has a pre-order bonus, so Pre-order now!

4. Fable 2

-If Peter can keep all the promises hes made with Fable 2, this will be one of the largest, most dynamic RPG's ever. And with a successful precursor to build on, it's hard to see this game going bad.

NOTE: Gamestop has a pre-order bonus, so Pre-order now!

3. Too Human

-While this game has a love/hate relationship with gamers and critics alike, I loved the demo and personally think it possibly has one of the best storys for any video game this year. And you know me, I love my stories.

NOTE: Gamestop has a pre-order, which is actually cool, a set of 5 exclusive armors. So pre-order now!

2. Gears of War 2

-A huge, mindblowing awesome game (Which so happened to have the best trailer at E3. I friggin' loved it.), that has everything the first one had, but loads more. With more colors, large scale battles, more guns, chainsaw duel, much improved online, a supposed longer single-player and better story, and finally Carmine is coming back!

And finally, my most needed game for this year is............





1. Alan Wake

-Hey, I know this game will probebly be delayed to next year with no news on it this E3 so far, but I gamer can dream, can't he?

Disagree with me on some points? Want to tell me your opinion on the Tales of Vesperia/Too Human demos? Or wanna talk about how friggin' awesome the Gears 2 trailer was? Then comment away.

Active E3 Blog: Microsoft

You can discuss me here, at any time tomorrow on Microsofts thing tomorrow at E3.

First off, I'm going to list the games I'm sure Microsoft will show off:

  1. Too Human
  2. Gears of War 2
  3. Fable 2
  4. Banjo: Nuts and Bolts
  5. Viva Pinata 2
  6. Rock Band 2 (Since Microsoft has a brief window of exculsive release)
  7. Tales of Vesperia
  8. Infinite Undiscovery

Now here are some games I HOPE they show:

  1. Alan Wake
  2. The Last Remnant
  3. Star Ocean 4
  4. Halo Wars
  5. Halo Chronicles

And here are some of the more interesting rumors I like:

  1. Starwars: Battlefront 3 360 exculsive? Huh?
  2. Motion Controls?
  3. Miis/Avatars?
  4. A counter for home?
  5. A preview of Fall Update?
  6. A New Halo Game? Which is a 3rd Person Shooter?
  7. Lips? A Singstar clone?
  8. What's Ninja Blade?
  9. Dead Rising 2 rumors?
  10. Something for Resident Evil 5? Exculsive DLC?
  11. A New Bungie Game? And Ilovebees back online? And what's with the little guy with the plunger?
  12. Kingdom Hearts 3 for the 360? WTF?
  13. What's the GTA 4 exculsive content?

Looking forward to seeing it tomorrow, post here and I'll post back. Can't wait to discuss this with you folks tomorrow.

Oh, and I'm staying up today for the Too Human demo (AT 2:00 AM), and I'll post my impressions.

Taking a time machine back to last gen.

After reading about Fable 2, I remember that the first Fable was an Xbox Original and was able to play on my 360 after I checked the Backward Compatability list on, and I was surprised!

I missed so many great games last gen, so I decied to make a deal with myself. I'm going to get all of the Xbox Orginals I want on the list, and not any of the new games coming out. I know I will miss out on cool new games like Ninja Gaiden 2, MGS4, Alone in the Dark, and Battlefield: Bad Company, but it costs so much for me to get newer games that I really need to pace myself, so it's nice to buy cheep-o 5-10$ games.

Here's a list of the games I am interested in:

Armed and Dangerous

Baldur's Gate 1

Baldur's Gate 2

Blood Omen 2


Brute Force

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth


Doom 3

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

Fable (I Got Already.)

Freedom Fighters

Indigo Prophecy

Jade Empire

Max Payne 1

Max Payne 2

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

Myst 3: Exile

Ninja Gaiden

Panzer Dragoon: ORTA


Phantom Dust


Red Faction 2

Serious Sam

Shenmue 2

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy

Star Wars: Republic Commando

Star Wars: Jedi Academy

Star Wars: Jedu Academy 2

Star Wars: KOTOR

Star Wars: KOTOR 2

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse

Thief: Deadly Shadow


There's probebly even more games I want for the PS2 and Gamecube, but I'll make lists for those latter.

I'll be review all of the last gen games I get, but instead of the huge reviews I normaly do they will be short, overall reviews that will use a 1-5 score. And don't worry, just because I'm playing old games doesn't mean I forgot to do my real reviews. I'll have Assassin's Creed up soon, then I have to do Eternal Sonata, The World Ends With You, and Bioshock.

Later folks, thanks for reading!

I have some problems.

Yes, I'm going too shift gears here for a second. Yes, all of my blogs to date have been about video games. And why not? I love video games and I like talking to like-minded people about them. But I feel right now that until I get Boom Bloox and Ninja Gaiden 2, there's really not much too talk about gaming wise.

Sure, I could talk about the latest news in gaming (Haze's epic fail to the press, Guitar Hero 4, or even the upcoming E3 news about the 3D glasses for the game Avatar.), but right now the gaming world is boring to me, so I'm going too talk about my girl problem.

So, let's start at the beginning.

I work at my moms Salon and Day Spa as a receptionist. So at the time this happened (About a couple months ago.) my hair was of medium length, and dyed black with blue freak streaks. One evening a girl walks in and she has similar hair (Though longer), I thought 'Hmm! How interesting!'. But I worked normally, and my mom fixed her right up back too her natural blond-self (She had too get her hair fixed for her passport picture.) and she went off her merry way.

Now after we get off work and come back home, we watch a movie then usually go too bed. And of course there's the talk afterwards about the movie, or other importent news. This time my mom revealed too the family that the she and the girl (Rachael.) talked quite a bit, a lot about ME.Now you are probebly thinking 'Big dealz! I got fifty girls following me around everywhere, n00b!', but unforuately I'm not as studdly as you folks, so I found this as a surprise.

Sure, parents like too talk about their kids, and show them off like the new Dodge Viper they got for their birthday, but my parenst aren't like that. Which isn't bad, they don't like talking about their social life a lot, which is cool, so when they discuss me in the coversation ethier: 1. I did something wrong, or 2. I did something VERY wrong.

Now oddly enough nethier of the above happened, so what did they discuss?

First off, this is around when Heath Ledger was found dead. Rachael loved him as a actor, especially his movie '10 Things I Hate About You.' My mom says 'Wow, my son Isaac (Yes that's my real name.) loves that movie too!' So Rachael says that's cool, and asks what I looked like, and my mom replied with a laugh, answering with 'Oh, that's him over there!'. Which that is probebly when she looked over, and saw me staring at the phone, wishing something would happen too keep me from commiting suicide (There was drool invovled no doubt.).

Anyway, moving on, she then talked about how she loved the video game Guitar Hero 3 (I do a little fist-pump.), my mom laughed again saying I loved that game. Then Rachael asked my mom how old I was (I've been told I look like a 19 year old.) which she responded with '15' (Yes, I'm seriously that old, but I like too think of myself as a mature 15.), then Rachael said 'That's cool, I'm a little older then.'.

So what was soo importent about the last two paragraphs? Well nothing of course, apart from the fact that they started the foundation for why the hell I'm posting this blog.So after the story my mom told, and having my mom laugh at me, and my dad saying I should go out with her, which I took as a joke, my life moved on.I passed my college entry exam (At 15, yes.), I went back for my 4th year of staffing at NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training.), and hating it.

Then Rachael came back too get her bane's cut, and too get her hair darked a tiny bit. She asked me too make her an iced latte with hazelnut favoring. So I made it, while I checked her out, and gave her it. She bascially jumped over the counter saying 'Thanks!', which I replied with 'Oh, no problem.', now saying this I feel like an idiot, maybe I should have said 'It was my pleasure.' too sound a little more sexy? But anyway she left, and I felt a little glowing spark inside me.

Now I can't stop thinking about her, and everything I see, hear, and say reminds me of her, even if it shouldn't. It's come down too me taking Benadryl just so I can go too sleep (It makes me go too sleep.).I don't know if I should call this a obsession, or a passionate interest, but I've found myself taking walks outside too see if I can get a glimpse of her, talk too her, ask her out maybe.

My mind fades away into day dreams more often now, and instead of novel ideas, or game ideas, I find my mind being taken over by Rachael, which is both frustrading and lovely at the same time.So here is where I talk to the reader full on, straight in the eye.

I have her phone number (W00T working at a Salon that keeps all customers phone numbers!), and I've been wondering if I should call her and ask her out. Then the more gentlemanly said comes back with 'That's rude, you should ask her permission first!', while my heart-struck side says 'F*ck that sh!t!'.

If I follow my heart-struck side I call her and ethier 3 things happen: 1. I ask her out, she accepts. 2. She gets pissed I called her and didn't ask her first. Or 3. I ask her out, she says no.

If I follow my gentlemanly side, I see another 3 things happening: 1.I walk around with purpose until I finally bump into her, and ask for her phone number, which she gives. 2. I walk around with purpose until I finally bump into her, and ask for her phone number, she doesn't give. Or 3. I walk around with purpose, never bumping into her.This is one of my personailly faults, I think too da*m hard into something and I never make up my mind because I always have two different opinions. I hate myself for this, but I can't really change it until I finally make a choice and roll with it.

So I'm asking you folks too respond too me with your thoughts, if I should call or not, or if I should walk around or not. Or if I should just forget her and move on with my sad little life.

Keep in mind that I have about 0% experience with girls, so maybe all the things she said is not even flirting, maybe that's just how she acts. Maybe she's just messin' with me, maybe I'm taking everything WAY out of context. So I don't even know if she is truly interested in me. But this subject is killing me. I think my brain is depressed now or something, I've lost all desire too eat or live, I want too stay in bed all day, I talk with my family a lot less, I have a gloomy demeanor about me without evening notcing. I take medication for allergy and sinus problems so I can go too sleep. Video Games don't make me happy anymore, and I usually just wander around aimlessly in them when I do play. And I can't write short stories or novels anymore without having a sudden urge too brake the computer, or run away.

I know this probebly sounds pathetic, but I really need some help. My only real life friends hate me, but tolerate me. My parents rather not talk too me about this (They think me getting a girl friend will never happen.), so all I have left is you folks. So can any of you help? I would be in-debt to you forever.

Thanks for reading folks, sorry with the whole 'poor me!' thing, but this is just how I feel, and it's strange because I have never felt this way before.

(BTW: Elann, if you're reading this, I watched that PS I love you movie, and it was good, but it just worsed my current state lol.)

Not being a fanboy, but 'tis a good day too own a 360.

As most people know, Microsoft will be having a press event tomorrow for gamers day, and holy good god are the games they're showing awesome!

Ninja Gaiden II (WIN!)
Too Human (EPIC WIN!)
Fable 2 (W00T!)
Banjo-Kazooie 3 (GOOD GOD YES!)
Halo wars (*Goes Insane*)
Gears 2 (*Drops Dead.*)
New Rare game Rumored to be VP2 (VIVA PINATA FOO!)
Surprise Title from unknown Dev (New IP? Microsoft is trying something new?)

I love ALL of the games they are showing tomorrow, can't have enough of Too Human, Fable 2, and Gears 2. I hope a new Viva Pinata is made, I loved that game lol! But what really surprises me is that new IP. It's actually good too see a new IP coming out, something that we haven't seen hundreds of times. Also it's rumored that a new piece of hardware will show up tomorrow (Talk going around with a voice sesitive piece codenamed 'Lips', or a motion sesitive remote like the Wiimote.)

So I should be on the computer most of the day tomorrow, awaiting new info (Yay no school!). So PM me, or post in this blog if you want to talk about the undoubtly awesome stuff we shall see tomorrow!

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