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A New Console, and a Hard Choice Made.

Hey folks, I know it has been a while now since I last put up a blog post, but I'm back!

Anyway I picked up a Nintendo Wii a couple days ago. Why a Wii, you ask? Well because I felt like I already have my hardcore console (360) and I wanted something different to mix it up a bit. So I got a Wii, and Wii Play.

Now Wii Play sucks, really it does. Sure the mini-games are enjoyable for the first few times, but after that it gets boring, at least it came with an extra controller!

But Wii Sports is very fun! It has less mini-games then Wii Play, but they have more deph then the mini-games on Wii Play, and really displays the potential of the Wii Remote/Nunchuck. I also picked up The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, which is actually my first Zelda game apart from messing around with my friends copy of the orginial LoZ on the GBA.

Not that far in it, but I actually found it quite fun.

Now the hard choice I made. Well, it may not really be that hard for most people out there, but I found it painful. I have a lot too save up for this year, so I'll probebly won't be picking up most of the games I want this year, so I won't be getting Quake Wars, The Bourne Game, or BF:BC. Instead I'll be getting Ninja Gaiden 2, and MAYBE Alone in the Dark.

So from now on for a while, I'll be getting games for legeth of content, and those that have really good reviews. It's kinda sad, because some of my favoriate games have gotten low scores (Lost Odyssey, The Darkness, Turok, etc.), but I need too get done what needs to get done first.

Anyway, I'll put up my first impressions of LoZ later today, now I have too clean the house lol. Thanks for reading!