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A New Game, and other stuff.

I just went into town today and picked up Armored Core 4 (You won't believe how many stores I had to go looking into to find this game.), so hopifully I will get a couple hours in this game tonight. I might or might not get the Operation: Darkness Demo Review up tonight, but I have my hopes up.

Anyway something I found surprising was I found this copy of Condemned 2: Bloodshot for 40$ used! I was going to grab it and run off into the sunset laughing, but instead I picked this up because I have been wanting a mech game for awhile now. Though I also found Assassins Creed for 25$ so I have a hard choice between Assassins Creed or Condemned 2. *Sigh*

Anyway Elann just informed me that new Lost Odyssey content is up, before I buy it I am looking forward to his review, he says he will have it out tonight, but no rush man! You got The Darkness to review as well lol!

Well later folks, going out to walk my dog.