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A Request to Microsoft: Games I want more info about for E3.

Don't get me wrong, I love Microsoft and my Xbox 360, but I feel like I need for info about the following games because I am thristing for more info.

  1. Banjo Threeie
  2. Gears of War 2
  3. Blue Dragon 2
  4. Alan Wake (GIVE ME MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  5. Cry On
  6. Mass Effect 2
  7. Bioshock 2
  8. Halo Wars
  9. Too Human
  10. Halo Chronicles (NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And here are some games I wish would get sequels, that I doubt will ever happen.

  1. Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
  2. MechAssault 2
  3. kill.switch
  4. Black
  5. Lost Odyssey
  6. Brute Force
  7. Advent Rising
  8. Crimsion Skies
  9. Area 51 (Blacksite doesn't count.)
  10. Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance 2
  11. Beyond Good & Evil
  12. Call of Cthulhu
  13. Darkwatch
  14. Freedom Fighters
  15. Indigo Prophecy
  16. Jade Empire
  17. Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
  18. Panzer Dragon
  19. Star Wars Battlefront
  20. Shinobi