So this past week is been pretty eventful , so I just wanted to reflect and see what made it so big.
First off I drove down to my grandparents house, and spent a couple of days with them, it was great, I wish I could do it more.
Went by the GIANT Barnes and Noble (Trust me, it's HUGE!) and picked up an interesting book:
I guess it's based on a video game called 'The Witcher', but it's PC only (Rumors of a possible 360 port.) so I can't play it (My Computer is junk.). Pretty good book, half-way through it, and it actually has a pretty interesting story. If you are interested in reading and fantasy stuff pick this up for a cheap 8 USD at your local book store (I found this at Barnes and Noble at the 'New Releases in Paper Back' section.
Added all of my DS games to my collection, and I haven't had anything really too play on it recently, so I picked up this:
I'll save my opinions on it later when I write up a review. But all I will say is that it's interesting...
My computer died, so I had too wipe it clean, and redo everything, so that's probebly why no folks haven't heard from me for a while (I'm Sorry!).
Just watched Cloverfield on DVD, it was okay, but I was motion sick the whole time, ruined the experience.
And finally, as if my week was not big enough:
The trailer (Which you can find just about anywhere, but the one from XBL is the best in my opinion.) was mind blowing. Seemed to improve a almost perfect game with large amounts of new content. (And the graphics are mind blowing! THEY HAVE COLORS OTHER THEN GREY!)
This kinda makes every other game I've been waiting for this year seem small and unimportent (With the expection of Too Human, and Ninja Gaiden 2.). And during the whole time I was thinking: 'Can't stop the train, baby!' LOL. (It actually fits the trailer pretty well.)
Anyway that's it from me, looking forward too X-Play tomorrow, might go see Speed Racer (Uggh.), and gotta finish up The World Ends With You and get a review up, and catch up on work and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.