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More News, and another new game.

Hey folks, so a couple days ago I bought Armored Core 4 for 25 USD, and I just beat it last night. So look for my review, that I shall put up tonight.

Anyway, here are some on my top things for today:

Top Song: Vermillion/Vermillion Part 2 by Slipknot (Awesome songs, even if you don't like Slipknot.)

Top Movie: AVP Requim (Fun movie, that countines with the AVP series.)

Top Writings looking forward to: Elann's 'The Darkness' Review (Though he will probebly be playing GTA 4 rofl.), and craig's review of 'Lost Odyssey'. (Hopifully he will write one!)

Also, I just got a new game today:

Yep, I know it's late but I got Assassin's Creed at my local Fred Myers for 30 USD new, 25 USD used at Gamestop. So I will probebly write a review up once I finish it.

Anyway, I know a lot of people might not read this because they are camping out for GTA 4, but I will probebly not get it myself until the middle of May. I bascially remembered unforuately that I have to save up for a airplane ticket to New Mexcio for my 80-mile hike, so I don't think I will be getting as much games as I have been getting.

My review on Operation: Darkness has bascially been thrown out the window, because there was not much for me to review and work with, and I tried to sit down and write it, but I just couldn't get into it. But expect a Armored Core 4 Review, Assassin's Creed Review, and an article about what I am looking forward to in May.

Thanks for reading folks, I gotta go get to work. Oh, and if my profile says I am on LIVE, the profile I use is also used by two other people, so if you are wondering why it says I am playing WWE 2008, that is not really me. (Also I am not playing much Halo, or CoD as well.)