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My Must-Need-Games '08: Microsoft Exclusives

5. Infinte Undiscovery

-This is an RPG that is truly pushing the genre forward. With some great design choices, from commanding units, to battles where fighting isn't the best option, to some of the best graphics for an RPG. This is one to look forward to for any RPG Gamer.

NOTE: Gamestop has a pre-order bonus, so Pre-order now!

4. Fable 2

-If Peter can keep all the promises hes made with Fable 2, this will be one of the largest, most dynamic RPG's ever. And with a successful precursor to build on, it's hard to see this game going bad.

NOTE: Gamestop has a pre-order bonus, so Pre-order now!

3. Too Human

-While this game has a love/hate relationship with gamers and critics alike, I loved the demo and personally think it possibly has one of the best storys for any video game this year. And you know me, I love my stories.

NOTE: Gamestop has a pre-order, which is actually cool, a set of 5 exclusive armors. So pre-order now!

2. Gears of War 2

-A huge, mindblowing awesome game (Which so happened to have the best trailer at E3. I friggin' loved it.), that has everything the first one had, but loads more. With more colors, large scale battles, more guns, chainsaw duel, much improved online, a supposed longer single-player and better story, and finally Carmine is coming back!

And finally, my most needed game for this year is............





1. Alan Wake

-Hey, I know this game will probebly be delayed to next year with no news on it this E3 so far, but I gamer can dream, can't he?

Disagree with me on some points? Want to tell me your opinion on the Tales of Vesperia/Too Human demos? Or wanna talk about how friggin' awesome the Gears 2 trailer was? Then comment away.