As most people know, Microsoft will be having a press event tomorrow for gamers day, and holy good god are the games they're showing awesome!
Ninja Gaiden II (WIN!)
Too Human (EPIC WIN!)
Fable 2 (W00T!)
Banjo-Kazooie 3 (GOOD GOD YES!)
Halo wars (*Goes Insane*)
Gears 2 (*Drops Dead.*)
New Rare game Rumored to be VP2 (VIVA PINATA FOO!)
Surprise Title from unknown Dev (New IP? Microsoft is trying something new?)
I love ALL of the games they are showing tomorrow, can't have enough of Too Human, Fable 2, and Gears 2. I hope a new Viva Pinata is made, I loved that game lol! But what really surprises me is that new IP. It's actually good too see a new IP coming out, something that we haven't seen hundreds of times. Also it's rumored that a new piece of hardware will show up tomorrow (Talk going around with a voice sesitive piece codenamed 'Lips', or a motion sesitive remote like the Wiimote.)
So I should be on the computer most of the day tomorrow, awaiting new info (Yay no school!). So PM me, or post in this blog if you want to talk about the undoubtly awesome stuff we shall see tomorrow!