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Taking a time machine back to last gen.

After reading about Fable 2, I remember that the first Fable was an Xbox Original and was able to play on my 360 after I checked the Backward Compatability list on, and I was surprised!

I missed so many great games last gen, so I decied to make a deal with myself. I'm going to get all of the Xbox Orginals I want on the list, and not any of the new games coming out. I know I will miss out on cool new games like Ninja Gaiden 2, MGS4, Alone in the Dark, and Battlefield: Bad Company, but it costs so much for me to get newer games that I really need to pace myself, so it's nice to buy cheep-o 5-10$ games.

Here's a list of the games I am interested in:

Armed and Dangerous

Baldur's Gate 1

Baldur's Gate 2

Blood Omen 2


Brute Force

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth


Doom 3

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

Fable (I Got Already.)

Freedom Fighters

Indigo Prophecy

Jade Empire

Max Payne 1

Max Payne 2

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

Myst 3: Exile

Ninja Gaiden

Panzer Dragoon: ORTA


Phantom Dust


Red Faction 2

Serious Sam

Shenmue 2

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy

Star Wars: Republic Commando

Star Wars: Jedi Academy

Star Wars: Jedu Academy 2

Star Wars: KOTOR

Star Wars: KOTOR 2

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse

Thief: Deadly Shadow


There's probebly even more games I want for the PS2 and Gamecube, but I'll make lists for those latter.

I'll be review all of the last gen games I get, but instead of the huge reviews I normaly do they will be short, overall reviews that will use a 1-5 score. And don't worry, just because I'm playing old games doesn't mean I forgot to do my real reviews. I'll have Assassin's Creed up soon, then I have to do Eternal Sonata, The World Ends With You, and Bioshock.

Later folks, thanks for reading!