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Why nothing really happened in X-Men 3

Contains vast and terrible amounts of spoilers. Stop now or do not **** to me if you don't wanna know.



In X-men 3, 6 major things happened:

1) Cyclops dies

2) Mystique loses her powers

3) Professor X dies

4) Magneto loses his powers

5) Jean Grey dies

6) Rogue loses her powers

Now, here's why nothing that happened matters:

1) You never actually see Cyclops dies, they just say he dies and moves on. Cuz no one likes him anyways.

2) This applies to 4 and 6 as well: IT'S A TEMPORARY CONDITION. They will all have their powers back in time for film number 4.

3) Professor X takes the body of the coma guy from the ethics session. Guess we know where his stance lies on the issue, eh?

5) Jean Grey is the Phoenix. I think that should be enough to say that she probably won't stay down.


The final bit of proof that nothing really happened is the comics. How many times has each character died now? They just keep comin back. Rest assured, the X-men don't like to stay down. At least not for more than a season.

And to this I add 2 more statements:

1) The next film shall be named X-Men 4: Gambit Make it All Better, Cher.

2) I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, ****! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4qdX6_9XgI  (I would like to point out that this preceeds the film by a long while... I am so glad they put this in it's made my week)

Call to arms... er, d-pads/keyboards

There used to be this page and a half long list of games that I wanted to play... I don't understand, how is it possible that I have no games to play? I beat Dreamfall twice now, and I'm on a break from Oblivion. I like the kingmaker module of Neverwinter Nights, but I'm not all that impressed with the two expansions. I guess I was hoping for a little more variation in race choice. Maybe in the second one they'll have more variation.
I tried to get back into Guild Wars the other day, but I just can't... It's been months and months, all my friends have stopped playing, and I'm not really at a point where I feel any drive to move forward because *everyone* skips the cinematics in that game. And I really don't feel like starting over.
I left my PS2 up at school, with my boyfriend, because I'm going back in a couple of weeks. I only really have one game that I feel driven to play at all (Digital Devil Saga 2) but I got that for my birthday (I'd asked for the first one) and I don't want to play it until I've played the first one. I have Halo 2 and an XBox here at home, but Halo 2 isn't as fun solo. I'm getting pretty desperate, so if you read this, take pity on me and suggest a good video game, or even a good book, to pass my time with. Thanks!


On the offchance someone will read my blog post, i'd like to share an upcoming game that really just looks incredible: Spore. You start out a little microorganism, then make your way up to a whole civilization... as you progress, the gameplay changes drastically, from a simple pac man style 2-D environment, to a diablo-ish 3rd person 3-D environment, to a tribal Populus-like game, to a SimCity kind of game, then to a Civilization kind of game. It just keeps growing and growing, but the real fun part (to me) seems like the prospect of being able to have full creative control of the environment and my creatures. If you want more information on it, go to http://spore.ea.com. There is also a 30 minute-long demonstrations, that's both amazing and entertaining, floating around out there. It's definitely worth checking out ^^

A word on my reviews...

I'm a pretty avid gamer, though I haven't done quite as much lately due to college, and while there are definitely genres I prefer over others, I try to remain unbiased in my reviews. Still keep in mind that my reviews are my opinions and takes on the games, so if you disagree it's your right, all that matters is whether or not you enjoy playing it. I hope that in the event that anyone reads my reviews, they find them helpful and informative. And if anyone want to contact me, I'll be more than happy to talk, so feel free to! Thanks, and happy gaming!