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#1 mindbender244
Member since 2003 • 861 Posts

[QUOTE="cgoqsz"] You're reading the wrong studies, my friend. See, you might not be a smoker now, but when you begin to dig deeper and unconsciously ignore the true facts about pot's cancer-causing and brain-damaging properties, you'll fall victim to the stoners' elaborate scheme to turn America into a second Amsterdam.snowman6251
Oh hi there. Still ignoring me I see. Are you willing to acknowledge me yet? :D

He'll never acknowledge you. He has nothing going for him on his side.

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#2 mindbender244
Member since 2003 • 861 Posts


[QUOTE="cgoqsz"]All of you are a bunch of idiots. You are all too mentally unfit to be on the Internet, let alone on these boards. All of us non-smokers are against legalization. Deal with it.cgoqsz

You're not even any good at avoiding questions.

I laugh at you. I'm pretty sure all you've accomplished is proving yourself a bigot.

Maybe now I'll leave, take the train to Highville, and smile. Smile partially because I know what I'm experiencing is awesome.

If you ever want to experience it some time, I'm all ears.

But unfortunately I've got an exam tomorrow, so I must go study.

And this board is proof that "you non-smokers" are against legalization, as there are some understanding individuals.

I think that pot is preventing you from forming a compelling argument.

Ha. And Your debating skills are unmatched.


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#3 mindbender244
Member since 2003 • 861 Posts

All of you are a bunch of idiots. You are all too mentally unfit to be on the Internet, let alone on these boards. All of us non-smokers are against legalization. Deal with it.cgoqsz

You're not even any good at avoiding questions.

I laugh at you. I'm pretty sure all you've accomplished is proving yourself a bigot (or a good troll)

Maybe now I'll leave, take the train to Highville, and smile. Smile because I know what I'm experiencing is awesome.

Though, If you ever want to experience it some time, I'm all ears.

But unfortunately I've got an exam tomorrow, so I must go study.

And this board is proof that "you non-smokers" are against legalization, as there are some understanding individuals.

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#4 mindbender244
Member since 2003 • 861 Posts

Here is some more interesting info.

Before you read this, it's helpful to understand supply, demand, and elasticity, but I will do my best to explain it in the brackets.

"It's hard to defeat an enemy that grows stronger the more you strike against him or her (See the movies Rocky I, II, III, IV, V, and VI). The war on drugs is like that. We illustrate with a simple model.

"The US government spends over $33 billion a year arresting over 1.5 million people and deterring the supply of drugs with police, prisons, and border patrols. This, in turn, increases the cost of smuggling and dealing drugs. When costs go up, suppliers require a higher price to supply any given quantity [of drugs] so the supply curve shifts up [meaning it costs more to buy drugs].

"However, we know that the demand for drugs is relatively inelastic, about 0.5 inelastic [meaning most people are still willing to buy drugs even if the price goes up]. So what happens to seller revenues when demand is inelastic and the price rises? There is an increase in seller revenues. [Here comes the best part]

"The more effective prohibition is at raising costs, the greater are the drug industry revenues. So, more effective prohibition means that drug sellers have more money to buy guns, pay bribes, fund the dealers, and even research and develop new technologies in the industry (like crack). It's hard to beat an enemy who gets stronger the more you strike against him or her." Modern Principles Microeconomics by Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok

The book is Modern Principles: Microeconomics by Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok

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#5 mindbender244
Member since 2003 • 861 Posts


[QUOTE="cgoqsz"] At least we're looking out for the well-being of others. I hate how you label us trolls. I'm not having any fun speaking out against pot because too many of you fail to see the situation from a non-smoker's perspective. I haven't slept in almost 48 hours because I've been constantly worried over the state of this issue and how America is being transformed into a liberal hippie breeding ground. And for you non-smokers who say pot should be legal, are you honestly going to tolerate such a thing? Can you look at any of the posts from people admitting they smoke it and not feel disgusted with them? They're breaking the law, after all. Jaywalking? No problem with that. Shoplifting? Depends on what it is. But we're talking about a DRUG here.cgoqsz

You sound like a total sheep. Someone who blindly follows the latest government or church propaganda.

Slavery was once legal, did that make it okay? Sodomy was once illegal, does that make it wrong? I think not.

You talk of "looking out for the well-being of others"... What could you possibly be saving me from!? My engineering degree? My closest friends? My wonderful memories I have? My marathon-running endurance?

Please enlighten me of the seemingly profane effects that weed has on one's self, oh knower of all.

And you sound like a liberal quack who has been brainwashed by that left-wing propaganda that spreads lies about pot being safe in order to justify their habits.

Sorry, I'm fiscally conservative, socially progressive. I think I lay pretty well in the center of the political spectrum.

You provided no further insight to the issue at hand, and avoided my questions.

Please, tell me, why should I stop smoking?

And just for some fun here is a good read...http://www.boingboing.net/2009/10/07/carl-sagan-spaced-ou.html... it is a piece written by Carl Sagan about his experiences while high. I think the average smoker should find it interesting and if you're kinda on the edge about the whole issue, I suggest you read it as well. Provides some insight about the high-mind.

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#6 mindbender244
Member since 2003 • 861 Posts

[QUOTE="mephie25"][QUOTE="CrustyFrags"]No.Absolutely not.Cannabis is a weed smoked by infidels.It is a plant that undermines our senses and I think the thought of legalization is psychologically criminal.cgoqsz
Thank god people like you are rare, always wanting to control what other people are able to do.

At least we're looking out for the well-being of others. I hate how you label us trolls. I'm not having any fun speaking out against pot because too many of you fail to see the situation from a non-smoker's perspective. I haven't slept in almost 48 hours because I've been constantly worried over the state of this issue and how America is being transformed into a liberal hippie breeding ground. And for you non-smokers who say pot should be legal, are you honestly going to tolerate such a thing? Can you look at any of the posts from people admitting they smoke it and not feel disgusted with them? They're breaking the law, after all. Jaywalking? No problem with that. Shoplifting? Depends on what it is. But we're talking about a DRUG here.

You sound like a total sheep. Someone who blindly follows the latest government or church propaganda.

Slavery was once legal, did that make it okay? Sodomy was once illegal, does that make it wrong? I think not.

You talk of "looking out for the well-being of others"... What could you possibly be saving me from!? My engineering degree? My closest friends? My wonderful memories I have? My marathon-running endurance?

Please enlighten me of the seemingly profane effects that weed has on one's self, oh knower of all.

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#7 mindbender244
Member since 2003 • 861 Posts


So I just purchased an Asus eee 1000HE and was hoping to get a little gaming out of it.

So far I have Age of Empires 2, Trackmania and Starcraft as low requirement games.

I was considering buying CS 1.6,

Any others I should check out?


Take a look at the games on GoG.com - lots of oldies with low system requirements

Thanks, there is definitely a good selection of stuff to check out

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#8 mindbender244
Member since 2003 • 861 Posts

So I just purchased an Asus eee 1000HE and was hoping to get a little gaming out of it.

So far I have Age of Empires 2, Trackmania and Starcraft as low requirement games.

I was considering buying CS 1.6,

Any others I should check out?

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#9 mindbender244
Member since 2003 • 861 Posts

I'd actually say no. 2k4 is much much better than 3. Get 2k4 instead.

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#10 mindbender244
Member since 2003 • 861 Posts


I'll just leave that there