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PAX post.

This con was immense. Possibly 40k people. I still can't talk, as my voice is so damn weak, and I thought I would develop a knee problem from the pain I was in yesterday from walking and jumping around during concerts. Thanks to **** free caffeinated mints, bawls, and other energy sources, my caffeine intake has reached nearly critical levels- while my meaningful nutrient levels are pitifully low.

But the con was the most amazing con I have been to. The first PAX had a grassroots feeling, it was all about gaming, Penny Arcade, and gamers. But this monstrosity, this gigantic behemoth of gaming, was an entity all in its own. I met with Gabe and Tycho and talked with them two on one for a short while, and they seemed in the state that they have always been when I've ran into them at PAX- passive observers of PAX, seemingly unaware of the massive event bearing the name of their brainchild. And this time around, it seemed that this con was not about them at all.

It was about gaming.

I think that's the way they want. Sure, there are Penny Arcade strips all over the walls, but the people are all fans of gaming. Sure, most of them read Penny Arcade, but are they here for the comics? The comics, without gaming, make no sense. It's gaming that gives their comics meaning, and this con is their way of giving the gamers a place where they can have their gaming utopia for a while.

At least, that's my take on it.

And thank you, Gabe and Tycho. Thank you. I gave you some mints at the concert, it's not much, but it's all I had.

But imagine, a place where you can play games at will. People on pictochat drawing penises everywhere. Everybody is really friendly and talkative, and most people get the weird gaming references you make. You can talk to developers of games, and other fans of games, about the latest releases, and listen to concerts of the music that defines your geeky passion, whether it be Coulton (HE IS A GEEKY GOD), MC Frontalot (who indeed fronts quite a tidy bit), or the Minibosses (Best way to fry your eardrums). You are among friends at PAX, and never once did I feel lonely or alone, there were always people willing to talk and on occasion wanting to hang out and get food. People go there to meet new geeks, to go to events, to see reviews at the expo hall, and mostly, to pay homage to gaming, and game.

And there are free t-shirts.

In any case, I probably have done some major damage to my body from eating so much **** but this has been one of the most amazing events of my life. Throughout the con, I began to accumulate more and more things on my person until I looked like some sort of crazed penetant cultist of sorts- I had three lanyards around my neck over my NVIDIA t-shirt, including one bearing a piece of paper with my NVIDIA number (NVIDIA had this thing where you had to match button numbers with other people to get free NVIDIA **** I didn't get any.), and multiple bracelets on each arm. My hair was dishevelled, my face unshaven, and later on I got temporary tattoos, making me look like some psycho gamer cultist. This con was where I could be free, I could be in my element, and I could really free my mind and be happy. This was my trip to mecca. This was my vacation.

Next PAX, Mark, Chris, and I cosplay as **** Hammerites. **** yes. If any of you have any skill with costume design **** please tell us, we'll need it.