Quote from H1972: "if a MAC is so great then why have they developed an environment so you can run MS products on it + you have just forgot to mention that MACs aren't as backwards compatible as people might think. MACs are great but not the 8th. wonder of the world. Regarding B. Gates - should we blame him for that there is now one or more computer in every home in the Western world and that everyone can figure out how to use them (thanks to Windows) - no, i don't think we should!" Compare the two, man. The MAC OS romps Windows any day of the week, and it's not like MAC's are hard to learn. Those MS products for MAC's are only for people (such as yourself) who are so gung-ho on Windows that they need something they're used to to actually use 'em. I'll bet 50 bucks that you're from the States...I actually wouldn't be surprised if you were Mr.Gates himself. I got no beef with you, but I gotta say, you're pretty ignorant.
What many people are failing to realize is that WIndows Vista is a piece of monkey bullocks Beta or release version. Who the hell thought that an operating system would be so great just because of a 3D interface? it's a waste of time and resources, but it will sell, coz Billy Gates (the rich numb-nut), and millions of other people around the world think that if it looks good, it is good. I'm sticking to XP...that's still crap, but it's better than what Vista is gonna be. Maybe we should all convert to MAC. Make the world a better place.
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