Which is better? I have played gears and loved it, Halo 3, not really loved it, and Dead Rising, loved it. These exclusive games for the 360 will propbably have sequels like Gears 2 or Halo Wars. But are they really better? The PS3 has Haze, Resistance, Metal Gear Solid 4, and of course, God Of war 3 to be realesed in 2009 or farther on. These games are high money makers but the fight will never end. You see that the xbox costs less and can to more when it comes to online that the ps3. But, then again the ps3 has free online play. Its all about your style, you prefer shooters with tons of friends, you want the XBOX, you want tons af friends but over the internet and not on the same system because you get pissed off at them, the ps3 is your man... or women? I prefer the ps3 and i know that there are gonna coments on how i'm wrong but o well.
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