ijunc: "Go Watch some basketball, the real mans sport, u kid." Because of course, basketball has 300 pound linemen, and Tackling, and a lot of physical Contact. You Fail.
Wii60 all the way. I've bought sony's console all the time, and never one of Nintendo's, and I bought microsofts Xbox 1,and 360. I can't stand this price tag, and if I seriously wanted one, I wouldn't care about a delay, I'd be happier, becaue that way you could get one, instead of fighting somebody over a console in the stores.
1.F.E.A.R-Waiting for 360 Ver. 2.DOA 4-Um you know annoying brothers,that make comments about you,when you get something or do something.Yeah,that's what kept me away from this one,I would be called Insignificent names for the rest of my life. 3.Table Tennis-Above Reason Apply's for this one. 4.Hitman series-I always wanted to play this one,and I get the demo's and I'm always ready to buy them,but when I do,there's always some bigger Better game. 5.Diablo 2 Expansion-I always loved Diablo 2,but the expansion came out,and I want it,but $20 just doesn't come my way,and even though there's still people playing it,there's more people on my 360 that are worth playing with.
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