These days you don't hear many people say they're favourite genre of game is 'racing', as racing games have a generally quite repeditive nature. Just thinking the words time and trial bring back bad memories. I'm going to admit I've never really enjoyed a driving sim on single player, though I haven't played all that many.
Step in, arcade racers. The first thing that comes to mind is Crazy Taxi, followed closely by Burnout. Arcade racers are awesome, there's something about them that reminds me why I game. They're simple, over the top, and all they want to do is make you have fun. They don't care about storylines, they just want you to enjoy yourself, and that's the best thing about them.
I can't think of an arcade driver that I haven't enjoyed, I loved Midtown Madness, Burnout, Tokyo Extreme Racer, Crazy Taxi, Midnight Club, Need for Speed, Ridge Racer and Motorstorm. They're all incredibly fun, and can be really intense, but for some reason they never get particularly frustrating. Why don't they get frustrating? Because they're fun. They exist to be fun, nothing more, nothing less.
Arcade racers are a refreshing way to game, as the genre hasn't really been milked, and they have a very 'friday afternoon with your mates' feeling. They're superb both in multiplayer and in single player. To get to the point, arcade racers are worth playing. Burnout 3, Motorstorm 1, NFS: Underground/2/MW and any Midnight Club are the best places to start in my opinion.
I'm going to say it. Arcade racers are my favourite genre. I'm probably the first person you've heard say that, am I not?
It feels like I haven't written a blog about gaming for decades, and I only joined Gamespot a few years ago. Hope you enjoyed it.