As you may or may not know, I'm younger than most. My early gaming childhood consisted of Half-Life, The Sims (which was fun goddammit), Age of Empires, Majesty, Goldeneye and a heap of other random games. One of those random games was named Deadly Dozen, which was darned incredible. It was a challenging stealth-ish FPS set in WW2. It was extremely realistic and you commanded and controlled a squadron of four mission in and mission out. It was possibly the most exciting game I have ever played.
Recently, I played through a few levels of it, and afterwards I was thrilled, and shaking at how intense it was. Maybe it's just the nostalgia hit that got me, but my god, I don't know how the world ignored this game. It isn't flawless, in fact there's a lot of things that would put people off in this game, mainly being the difficulty, as it's an extremely difficult game, but it's so much fun!
Something that really hit me is how well the game makes you feel like you're there, and you are commanding a squadron. You decide how you do the levels, you decide what to do, and where to do it. The ultra-realism is great too, if one of your men dies in the first level, he's gone for the rest of the game, and it only takes a few hits to die.
This is why the game is so thrilling, I'm nervous just thinking about the game. I didn't think it was frustrating, but my god it was exciting! Whilst I'm not impressed by the visual presentation of the game anymore, the sound design and music is amazing.
So guys, would you like to see me review this game, I'd love to review it, and regardless of your opinions, I'm going to try to. More importantly, do you remember this game? I'd love to hear someone elses opinion on it. If you haven't heard of this game, look into it and try and play it, it's awesome.
My unexplained absense will remain unexplained.