I went to the EB Games expo last night! There were a lot of great games around the joint, I wish I got to play them all but hey what can you do. I did get to play all the game I wanted to, which was fun. I had a great time.
If I were some big name company who handed out awards for shows like this, I would give 'game of the show' to Tomb Raider. Yep, that game. I haven't cared about Tomb Raider in years, it sort of lost its way in my opinion. This one looks like great fun though, at Square Enix's little press conference thing they showed straight up gameplay of it to us and it looked really intense and interestingly a lot darker then previous games. It really surprised me as I wasn't expecting much from this "reboot." I also got to play it for a few minutes, all I did was shoot down some deer with a bow and arrow, 'twas pretty cool.
I got to play some of the games that I actually wanted to play too, which was nice. Hitman Absolution is pretty fun, as is Far Cry 3, but I think both games you need a fair while to get into. Far Cry 3 seems to be a fair bit like 2 with a different setting and less annoying enemies, but I don't know what kind of tone they were trying to set with its atmosphere. Coming from someone who only loved Far Cry 2 in permadeath, it looks like Far Cry 3 will offer a similar experience with less grit. Looking forward to it.
Absolution was about what I expected, I got to play the Chinatown mission and the pre-order "Sniper Challenge" mission, both are really cool but as I said you need some time to discover the fun in games like Hitman.
I also played Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and all I can really say is chopping up things is fun! I love the Metal Gear Solid series, and it's a bit disappointing that it's a beat-em-up, but judging it as a beat-em-up it's a really, really good one.
I also played the LBP Carts battle mode against a bunch of people in the Playstation booth and that was pretty fun, feels a lot like Maro Kart's battle mode which is to be expected. I also played the Vita Silent Hill game in that booth and I can't say I'm impressed with that.
I watched some little exclusive 15minute gameplay footage of the new South Park RPG and I'm surprised to see that Obsidian are developing it. As a fan of South Park who doesn't really watch the show very often it actually looks really, really fun and it looks exactly like an episode off the show. It's a turn based RPG thing in the city of South Park where you play as the new kid and it honestly looks really cool. It looks what On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness except higher budget and for South Park instead of Penny Arcade.
The Wii-U is okay, not too impressed but atleast they're putting more then just kids games on it. It looks like Nintendo are trying to get back at the more 'hardcore' audience instead of just kids and casuals which is nice. I'm curious to see how well it will sell. Also one of Jim Sterlings video's about the Wii-U was interesting, sort of *Respect +1*'d me for good old Ninti. Check it out here.
Overall this was a great little Expo thing, I'm glad Electronic's Boutique hosted it and I'm looking forward to going to it next year. I'm certain I haven't mentioned everything I saw there but these are the most interesting games, I didn't bother with Halo 4, Blops 2, or MOH because apparently I'm amazing at pattern recognition and they look so similar to previous installments in their series. Ask me about any other games that were there though I might've seen them. Also I vaguely remember somewhere saying that PAX is coming to Australia next year, if that's true that'll be amazing!
It was a great night, totally worth it. And it ended with fireworks! Can't go wrong with them! Also here's my latest game review, check it out: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes review.
Cheers, mini.