Just uploaded my review of the FPS from last year named Homefront, and yes I did get a copy of it after returning the game to the store :P DRM can be so annoying sometimes...
Homefront single player review for PC
Also I've joined a website named RawGamers, and I post my reviews there too. The owner of the site said he was looking for reviewers in a YouTube video, and I submitted my application and apparently they loved my reviews surprisingly enough. I think they're pretty boring but hey it's nice to know someone likes them :P so yeah go to their website if you like, here is the link.
Homefront is pretty short I finished it in one (4 hour) sitting. Had a maths exam and an assignment due yesterday so when I got home I just completely zoned out and played Homefront from start to finish, 'twas really relaxing.
This song's been stuck in my head all week, and who doesn't love The Adolescents!