I'm going to PAX Melbourne next year! Ordered my tickets a couple of days ago, gonna be so fun :D any of you guys going? Anyone actually been to a PAX? I'd love to hear about what it's like! I thought that going to the EB Expo about a month ago was great fun, and having PAX come to Australia is a step forward in the industry down here. It'll be interesting to see what the big titles are next July, should be cool.
Also I just finished recording my review of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time for PC, great game that. I'm sure most of you have played it, but if you haven't I definately recommend that you go out and get a copy as soon as possible! You won't regret it :D
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time review for PC
If anyone's still reading and wondering what's going on in my life? I've just stopped caring about pressures, about school, about the dreaded year 12. I'm just enjoying myslef, life is a blast if you want it to be. Just drop the worries, and live life in the now. Quite frankly, I have no idea what I'm going to do in the future, and judge me as you wish but I honestly don't care at the moment. If you always prepare for the future, you'll never be satisfied. I'm sounding too deep on a video games website :P