Manhunt 2 was recently banned or should i say smacked with a AO (Adults Only) rating by the ESRB. Since the AO rating given by ESRB things have only gotten worse for rockstar/taketwo since they can't relese a AO rated game on any major console/handheld (think sony,nintendo,microsoft) for this reson,in the third-party agreement it says that no AO gameswill be accepted. One thing around this could be to put it on the PC via download from rockstar's website with age-gates and stuff like that and also sell a M rated version on the Wii,PS2, and PSP.
The only reson i think this ban is happening is because of all of the events in the world that have happened because of video games (all the bad ones of course). The game is said to be worse than the most graphic porno. Ithink now we cant be trusted and they have to takeone of the possible games of the year because some wackos cant control them selves.
Also we all hate you Jack Tomson