It's another wonderful weekend after 5 days of groaning and writhing at work. On every other Saturday though I have to get to the office for the usual 3 hour work.
I received a message on my phone after the 2nd hour into work.
"Everyone in the clans got to report in, the opposing clan's got a higher score than ours."
I give myself a deep sigh. Four years have already passed since I've played this online game. Just for a simple reason that I didn't have a TV back then. This online game was the only accesible "to pass the time" activity.
I don't consider myself as a true hardcore gamer. I only have a Playstation 1 and 2 but I know what it feels like to keep playing your favorite game on and on into the night till the break of dawn. The same applies to Online games.
What I'm really nagging about is that Online Games never end - no happy endings, no fmv on the last boss scene or even a "The End' word. It just keeps going on and on. I grow tired of the same old trade this trade that and "I'm strong and your weak" trash talk that persists in player to player combat.
I imagine it like smoking (I don't smoke btw). They say that if you are a frequent smoker and you just stop, as in completely stop smoking, your body starts to get sick. I won't delve into the details but I'm sure you get my point. Deep attachments in games must have a proper send-off once it ends, be the ending satisfactory or confusing it does not matter as long as you get to the end of it it's the end of it.
For Online however, it seems pretty much a forever-until-the-company-shuts-it-down-for-it-to-have-an-ending thing.
"Nobody reads a book just to get to the middle."
It would much be appreciated if Online Games would have a send-off as well. Seems most unlikely. It's a poison if you abrubtly stop. I might even log in later after playing one of my video games. Maybe slowly, bit by bit, I can siphon this online gaming frenzy and return to the natural habitat of role-playing videogames with great stories.