@AzatiS Are you going to spend the rest of your life whining that one website didn't give a game you like a perfect score? I just don't understand you people. These ratings are a guideline for people who want to chose a game to buy. If you like the game better than the reviewer good for you. The SLIGHTLY lower score won't hurt you or anyone else. It's just god damned senseless whining.
@marceldelta @anonymousicko I love people like you. Angry for no reason. Spouting off your so called accomplishments. You're just so much better than everyone aren't you? And I bet your blonde is a super model right? You'll never convince anyone. On the internet anyone is whatever they want to be. You're just an ass.
@Ryking /Hey look what's that on metacritic? oh an average score of mediocre? Oh, and reviews criticizing the control issues? Can't be possible, this guy here, this Ryking, is the god of video games. He knows everything, everyone else just sucks at games. I mean, just look how awesomely he insults Tom. I mean, that must really hurt Tom's feelings. You sir are a great man.
I can't believe people are STILL bitching about this. Why is this so god damned important to you? God damn, you people are so contradictory. I bet a lot of you hate being singled out for not liking things the "popular kids" like. But if someone has a SLIGHTLY different opinion on something you like you go ape shit. The internet sickens me.
I just have to say all of the bitching about the score is just plain whining. Just stop. You are not smarter than this man because you disagree with his review. He has some good points in this review such as the enemies ignore your companions. Ellie crouches in front of an enemy and it just ignores her. A man dares to question a game you like and you go crazy. Why the hell is this so important to you people?
I just have to say all of the bitching about the score is just plain whining. Just stop. You are not smarter than this man because you disagree with his review. He has some good points in this review such as the enemies ignore your companions. Ellie crouches in front of an enemy and it just ignores her. A man dares to question a game you like and you go crazy. Why the hell is this so important to you people?
mirage_so3's comments