@NateDaddy112278 I can see how you may not have liked the details of his review but honestly for most people it was just blind rage at Tom because they don't like him.
Wish he commented on the comments a little more but his comment at the end sums it up perfectly. "Stay angry internet" The internet really is about rage when it comes to this kind of thing...
@the22for4 Again, you condescend with no real ground to do so. I assume you mean me since I defended the review. I have not said anything remotely childish. I made arguments and you ran calling him an idiot and not defending your point.
@the22for4 @mirage_so3 I have not contradicted myself anywhere. You called him a jerk, I did not. If others agree it doesn't make my point contradictory.
@the22for4 He wrote a review you do not like so you call him a jerk, you call anyone who defends a person's right to an opinion a fan boy jerk. You have no right to talk down to anyone.
@the22for4 @mirage_so3 You can't even write in proper English so don't give me crap like "I'm a reviewer he's just stupid." On the internet anyone is whatever they want to be.
mirage_so3's comments