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2 years. Oh wow, I've lasted that long...

Yup. Member of GS 2 years now. (ignore the Apr 5, 2008. It's off since first post was Apr 4, 2008)

Anywho. I've survived o.o

And I have YET to pass level 34 even though I'm on...everyday.

Current random stats:

Total Posts: 28,785

Total Messages Read: 164,084,723

I also still stalk Captains Threads... yup.

Differences from when I first began here:

I'm smarter.

I'm not as depressing.(ask if I took my meds I'll kill you)

Obviously post count went up XP

Future goals on this site/related to people on this site:

One day, become officer in my fave union, the Toonami Union. (Rawr! Go join!)

Make the CoEC a great union. (Speaking of which, go check out the contest going on there right now if bored)

Become a super awesome designer like Shadow-Elite and spiritwave.

Try to someday catch up to Nicaboy456's amount of anime/manga XD

Try to get as many awesome dragons on dragcave like sinistra45 has =P

Complete the corruption of Kuroida's mind.

Etc... too lazy to go on XP

Currently I-...have no idea what else I was going to say actually...

Ooo! I can make animated avatars btw. So if ya want one, drop by Toonami to try and catch me(I live in the OT thread) or PM me.

My sigs are... decent. I'm pleased with them for myself, but when making one for someone else I try harder XP Like this one I made for my friend:

Eh, I think its one of the better animated sigs I've made...

I like my MAL sigs more though XD

Blog headers and Banners remain somewhat weak points...

And tags? I still loooove making em ^.^ Though I don't seem to have any request for new ones lately D=

The sigs is distracting me...

Before the moving picture above makes me forget- -.- -Please click dragon eggs!

Happy Easter btw... religious or not, who cares, its a time for chocolate XD

...I spelled the Estar and Ester before getting it right -.-'

Oh yes!

Stuff I've posted on my Deviantart!

Devianart ID/Bio pic thing

My "questionable" wallpaper...

My life summarized during an "emotional" state which goes from bad to worse to good...

My way of bashing my father with words and critizing his ignorance...

A short thing I wrote awhile back and decided to post...

Thing I wrote for c|ass awhile back...

And Short story(which was written as a c|ass assignment and done in two days since I put it off forever so it might suck:

Blissful Agony Part 1

Blissful Agony Part 2

Blissful Agony Part 3

Blissful Agony Part 4

Blissful Agony End

Do I actually expect you people to read ALL of those?

Urk, no...

My site is still doing well too, its now open for anyone to join if they'd like. Only requires email verdification like most sites.

Anyyyywho, thats it.

Two years here and still going on...

~Miss Marika (missanimefan)