I would like to introduce to you a union BUT WAIT! Dont leave yet!! I shall post a interview for you for reading!!!
INTRODUCING THE Seireitei Society!!!!!!
This union is not only my second main union(the other being Toonami Union) but it is also FUN!
We got the Shinigami Game Place for your mini games!
We have Toshiro's Random Otorium *OT Thread/* for your fun chatting about all kinds of stuff!!
And our directory is organized and beautiful to make finding threads easier and fun!!!
We got a great crew keeping up with you Bleach Anime and Manga updates!! Never miss one!
We got a tag maker of grand qualites(and Im not saying that because it me:P) see a few of our tags:
And many more!!!!
WE also have a Design Request thread!! You can request images there! Tags need to be requested in tag thread though:P
A union sig of ours:
Sign up for a squad when you join! I, Captain Aizen, already have a Lieutenant Momo tho:P
Choose your squad and get a rollin'!:P
We have threads for creativity! Make your own Character and Make your own Zanpakuto!!! I have a few myself!!!
We also have threads to get to know your fellow members like the "I like" thread and "How did YOU get your username?"
We love celebrating birthdays! So make sure to post yours in the Birthday Roll Call!!!
We have a new theme with each banner contest as well!! This theme is blue!!! Hence the Blue backgrounds:P
Theres alot more but if I go on I may bore you^^;
Now! Im posting interviews there as well!
Speaking of which! INTEVIEW TIME!!!
(Purple is me, blues my side comments not askd in interview, Green is Lance)
missanimefan: What's your real name, namename(s), and how old are you?
lancelot200: I am known by the name of David. You just need to say it in French. However, most people call me Dave. I'm 18 turning 19 in 09.
missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?
lancelot200: It's a good community. It keeps people who barely plays video games. It must mean something.
missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?
lancelot200: I like the Social Cafe Union. It always has people there posting a way. Great users. Everyone that is active there on a daily basis will reach 10K. It's garenteed. People like stats over there. You'd be surprised by how much. It's also a good place to know stuff around. Plenty of knowledgable people.
I also spend a lot of time at The Toonami Union. If you are interested in anime and cartoon and everything else it's a good place to talk.
Those are pretty much the only unions that I post a lot now. I use to have a lot of places.
missanimefan: YAY! Toonami is coolXD
missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?
lancelot200: Well, I have not played many game because I don't own many consoles. However, I have played Prince of Persia (all three) countless times and that would probably be my favourite video games. Handheld wise, I loved dragon ball games. I have a tone of them.
missanimefan: What kinda-of job(if any)do you have and what are some of your hobbies?
lancelot200: This body has never held a job over the past 18 years.
missanimefan: Wow...thats...just wow dude.
missanimefan: Hobbies?
lancelot200: Metal (and music), Anime, Cinema.
Those would probably be the biggest hobbies that I have.
missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?
lancelot200: *pops facebook*
"I am a deeply religious nonbeliever - this is a somewhat new kind of religion." - Albert Einstein
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein
"There is not enough religion in the world even to destroy religion." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it." - Julius Caesar
"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience." - Julius Caesar
I think there some themes to be observed here. What do you think?
missanimefan: (Yeah old stuff...XD)
missanimefan: Whats your favorite music?
lancelot200: I love every sub-genre of metal. I'm quite anal when it comes to fying it. I spent hours categorising my WMP. I also love Rock and Opera. I'll listen to some electronica if the song is good.
missanimefan: What subject(math, english, sports, etc.)are you good at and are your favorite?
lancelot200: I'm quite good in my Criminology and my Political Science s. Great subjects. I could talk about Poli-sci for hours probably. Criminology is also facinating, makes you look at society in a negative way. lol
missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?(basically anything I may forgot to ask)?
lancelot200: Ummm...too lazy. I'm going to find some post that says it all.
I am lancelot200, named after Lancelot du Lac. I enjoy anything that has to do with Union politics and Union history. I like to lurk from time to time.
I counldn't find anything about stuff that wasn't online. :P
And if you didn't get link to The Seireitei Society Union by clicking the pictures when the hand click thing showed up lol, here it is again:
Also one last thing!
As of June 18 I turned 16:D YAY! I can learn to driv and try to get a job!!!
~Miss(missanimefan, Aizen and Rangiku of the Seireitei Soceity)
Thanks again!