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G.C.U. interviews start!!:D First up...

I'll be asking someone once maybe twice a week to be interviewed and that interview be posted on the union homepage thread...I'm letting recruits suggest people and I'm keeping track of who is interviewed and if someone doesn't want to interviewed I'm keeping track of those people as well on wordpad...just letting ya know cause I'm probably gonna interview my friends who are active and I know can respond quickly...


I'm gonna post interviews on my blog as well for people not in the Gamespot Community Union...


I interviewed the Gotei 13's very own leader Nightmare-_-!



What's your real name?


Justin Marriott


How old are you?


17 years old.


What do you think of Gamespot?


awesome site. i find Gamespot are much better than other video games sites plus they got amazing idea about unions and emblems to keep people more excited to come on everyday to keep them busy.unlike Ign(no offence)


What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?


I like any unions that match my interest, I thought unions is best place to talk about your favorite interest, hobby, since you got something same in common with other people.


What are some of your favorite videogames and why?


My favorite video game is Legend of Zelda, most fight games because I love the story and the action through every area and challenge boss and try find their weakspot. for fight, I love to challenge other people on live and challenge their mind and striary to prove who is smartest.


What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?


sad... I might going end up work at Dairy Queen :lol:


What are some of your hobbies?


all I do is sleeping, check computer, hang out with my friends and my girlfriends and try to enjoy my life with random stuff.


Do you have a favorite quote?


"I might be smart.. but I'm lazy"- myself :P


Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?


lots of people :lol: It would be great to meet all officers in my union :lol:


What's a breif summary of yourself?


well I'm deaf.. 100% people keep told me deaf people can't do anything guess what? I proved them wrong, only they dont understand about deaf people... is that deaf people can do anything but hear... pretty much I'm friendly, always cared about other people support them no matter what. same idea like people who would never hurt a fly :P yeah what els... most people know I'm smart.. because I scored 198+ on IQ test but sad... I'm lazy :lol: I just want to live a easy life... getting marry, have two children and amazing wife and see them grown up and watch them getting married and wait until my time is up.


Thank you for allowing me to interview you!!:D


your welcome :)


Well*thinks*There's no other news right now so...Later:D!