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Interview #2 is...

I interviewed the great artist(who made my banner)Ninja_Rebel!!


missanimefan: What's your real name? How old are you?

Ninja_Rebel: I'd prefer not to say my real name or age.

missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?

Ninja_Rebel: I think that Gamespot is a great place to meet up with people who enjoy videogames and kill time. (yeah I am cruel I know)

missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?

Ninja_Rebel: I like The Zero Union, The Everything Anime/Manga, Games, and Art Union, and The Gamespot Community Union because they are all fun and are very enjoyable to be in.

missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?

Ninja_Rebel: Some of my favorite video games are hmm, lately it is The World Ends With You because it has an amazing story line and the best RPG I have ever played, Super Smash Bros. Brawl because it is a he// of alot of fun, MX Unleashed because it us very enjoyable to cruise around places and then just switch from an MX Bike to a monster truck or even a Biplane.

missanimefan: What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?

Ninja_Rebel: No job.

missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?

Ninja_Rebel: Playing video games, getting on GS, making things on GIMP, and fishing.

missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?

Ninja_Rebel: Not really but, the most memorable one right now is "Frags are for f@gs" said by my friend when he was fragged while playing Call of Duty 4.

missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?

Ninja_Rebel: Hmmm, you since we seem to be sorta similiar and you are fun to be around.

missanimefan: Why did you create the CoG union(council of gamers)?

Ninja_Rebel: I created the CoG (I so wish I had changed that short name, for some reason I dislike it) because I wanted to give all gamers a place to talk about whatever games they wanted and allow them to have almost a mini-GS under their control (that hasn't gone well lately).

missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?

Ninja_Rebel: I am frikin' awesome why you may ask, I am ninja! A FRIKIN' NINJA!!!! (plus I have a great personality )

missanimefan: Anything else you want to say(cause I'm out of questions)?

Ninja_Rebel: I want to say that this wasn't as bad as I thought and that if anyone needs a banner or icon or sig then post in my request theard! (got to advertise when I get a chance:D )


I would like to say he's a great artist and can be found at The Gamespot Community Union(among other unions)!!

Thanks Ninja_Rebel!!


Okay on a side note remember to check out some of the great unions I'm in if you haven't yet!!
