I interviewed a friend who I think people would find cool(I hope)!
missanimefan: What's your real name?
eliteguard91: Gabriella Alexandria Razsek
missanimefan: How old are you?
eliteguard91: 17 years old!!!
missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?
eliteguard91: It's great and its not like the invasion of privacy like Myspace or that other one lol :lol:
missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?
eliteguard91: Gotei 13 Im an officer there :D and the girl gamers union only girls union hello sign me up!!!!
missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?
eliteguard91: RPG, Flying, Racing I honestly have no idea I just love to play them it keeps me entertained and from getting bored which is a pro.
missanimefan: What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?
eliteguard91: :| me and the workforce dont meet eye to eye sometimes....OK all the times.
missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?
eliteguard91: Cheerleading, dance, gaming, plotting to rule the world and of course being a YAOI FANGIRL! :P
missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?
eliteguard91: Yes its the one I use here all the time"I am a girl damnit im allowed to use the word cute"
missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?
eliteguard91: EVERY1 they all seem so cool I would love to have everyone over for a BBQ!!!
missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?
eliteguard91: Cute and perky?lol nah Im an easy going down to earth person. Just don't push my buttons :x
missanimefan: Thank you for letting me interview you!
eliteguard91: :D No problem I love these!!!!
Okay lets see...I left a few unions...I have a union idea but have to wait till august to use it cause chartering for someone in a few days...and I noticed that I seem to be interviewing aomeone in one of three unions I like each interview...also...that's about it...:D Thank ya!