Welcome to my grand blog!
I have a very awesome interview for you all today and I personally think its the best up to date!!
So I am going to make you wait a little bit for it!
You know the best thing about interviewing? I get to learn about the person before I tell you all! Lol, j/k. It is awesome though to learn about people:P
Ok so lets kick off the segment already!
*Rangiku walks in*
Whaaaaaat? Trying to sleep here.
Its almost 2:30pm...
Not in some parts of the world.
Any ideas before the magnificent interveiw?
Yeah, Aizen said you better stop yaoi-ifying Hueco Mundo.
Ulquiorra and Grimmjow were meant to be!
Moving on.
Whats the current interview status?
Interviewed some the awesomest people and once the closest friends and ones I find most intresting I will move on to ones who may request to be interviewed or randomly choose someone.
Thats great. Now Ichigo said he is sueing you.
*Ichigo walks in*
Thats right! For harrassment!
Change your mind before I drop you in a ditch of hungry rabid beast after tying you to a ceiling and torturing you. You seen supernatural? Then you know.
EEP! *withdraws lawsuit*
Good boy. They never learn do they Rangiku?
Nope. Cant teach old dogs new tricks though.
So true.
Anyway lets bring on the interview cause I cant wait any longer!
missanimefan: What's your real name?
Nicaboy456: For those who wish to know, its Mark.
missanimefan: What's your namename(s)?
Nicaboy456: Dont really have one but i'm being called Pops more and more nowadays....
missanimefan: How old are you?
Nicaboy456: 22
missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?
Nicaboy456: its okay. It gives me a place to talk about some of my fave stuff whether it be games, anime/manga or sports.
missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?
Nicaboy456: Toonami since it was my original union and is filled with intellectual anime and manga viewers who back up what they preach as opposed to random fanboy n00bs. Gotei because i like the general bond between most members there and though its now starting to structure itself, that only means that it will become greater in the future. At first it was just OT, but now its OT with some topics of relevance to discuss lol. Nice.....
missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?
Nicaboy456: MLB 09 The Show cuz its baseball and damn near the realest sports game i ever played. MGS4 because its the best game to come out for the PS3 so far. Dead Space cuz i'm a huge horror/suspense nut. TWEWY for the music, story and gameplay and the last two Castlevania's on the DS: Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia just cuz i love Castlevania so much for gameplay, story and music....
missanimefan: What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?
Nicaboy456: Dont have one now since my place of employment (Circuit City) went under but when i did work there, i was Assistant Manager of the store and also ruled over the TV and Home Audio departments....
missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?
Nicaboy456: Playing games of course, playing sports, practicing with my weapons and playing around with Aya-chan....
missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?
Nicaboy456: Rather interesting....
missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?
Nicaboy456: Not really....
missanimefan: Who was the first person you remember from GS?
Nicaboy456: First person i remember is my old buddy OA. i read one of his legendary GS fights and could never forget him. i have tremendous respect for him....
missanimefan: Whats your favorite music?
Nicaboy456: I dont have a favortie per say. My wife likes to play alot of her Japanese stuff around the house and i've gotten used to it. so i guess i'd have to say anything that has a J- put right before it lol....
missanimefan: What subject(math, english, sports, etc.)are you good at and are your favorite?
Nicaboy456: Hated math, English was okay , Gym was awesome, excelled in all sciences, but most importantly i dominated in Global Studies and World history. I still can never forget how i got a 98 in my Global Regents. best test score i ever had for something i never studied for....
missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?(basically anything I may forgot to ask)
Nicaboy456: Well.....for those who dont know, i'm a calm, level headed, care-free kinda person who moves at his own pace and tries to avoid conflict at all costs but doesnt mind when a challenge from time to time. I'm also married and have a 5 month old daughter named Aya. I gave her the middle name Nunnally cuz of Nunnally from C.G. Umm....i majored in Speech pathology and minored in psych. Its through Psych where i met my wife in college. She's about to finish her master's in it. Allegedly i speak in sarcastic tones though i dont hear it really and it pisses off a lot of people like i really care about them anyway. My wife is an artistic type. She's been drawing since i think she said 6 or 7 and is in talks with a major animation company in Japan (i cant say who) to become one of their lead artists or something like that. She does great work and also happens to be my Japanese teacher when she feels like it. She gets a tad bit emotional from time to time which isnt exactly a good thing. I personally dont believe in showing emotions really. She's a hell of a fighter who can hold her own just like me. I think that on a good day, she could kick my ass if she really wanted to. ANYWAY....I do my own thing and live my own life and if you dont like it, then you can just move on....
Thank you Nica-kun for allowing me to interview you!!!! You certainly gave one of the best interviews yet in my opion:P
Why did you interview him though?
Because he was one at the top of my list to interview which people only get there to ways. 1, I really want to learn about them. 2, I find them really awesome.
And most I consider friends lol.
Miss...where is the cookies?*looks over to see Miss eating a cookie*
*quickly finishes cookie*
Best part is while others are distracted by interview I can steal the cookies^-^
MISS! Your buying the next cookies!
Steal the money from Hitsu, he wont mind. Or egoist Kuchiki.
...You are evil.
Uh, duh.
*turns back to Rangiku*
Special thanks to Nica for the interview!
Thanks for all who have left comments on any of my blogs!
~Miss(missanimefan aka Evil Goddess Miss)
P.S. NEXT BLOG WILL LIKELY BE APRIL 5!! I'll been here one year O_o Rare for me to stay with a site so long, But I anit leaving anytime soon:P