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Miss's Evil Blog Station! Interview with Puppy-chan! OMGOSH:o

OMIGOSH! Waiting on interview response from the great Puppy-chan! For those whom are oblivios to this person: BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES! His username is spiritwave.

Oh, and a few things while we wait...
Spring break starts next Friday!
Sometime May, me and my mom are going to look for a place to live in phillidelphia, Imma be "skipping school" for a week. But never fear! My mom plans to bring a wireless connection laptop! I'll be online the entire time! WHOO! lol

Now to the interview!


missanimefan: What's your real name?

spiritwave: ...Mike

missanimefan: How old are you?

spiritwave: Gonna be 18 next you can guess my age now...O.o

missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?

spiritwave: Fun place to hang around in unions and talk with people tyhat have common interests...*cough*Toonami Union*cough*

missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?

spiritwave: hmmmm...tough not rly...Anyway, I like the Toonami Union for a few reasons. It's always active, has fun games, and really organized. Nice people too. Can't forget that I'm an officer there...;) Only other Unions that I drop by are The Gotei 13...but I have no clue about Bleach so I only do annual 1000s of post visits there...then there is that 1 union that I invaded...better check in on how the invasion is going...

missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?

spiritwave: MGO, beastly online game...I'm at a rank that most people cheat to get, and I have tons of friends on there.

missanimefan: What are some of your animes and why?

spiritwave: YYH(c1assic fighter/awesome characters), Nausicaa Of the Valley of theWind (I luv u Princess!!!), Princess MOnonoke(The Wolf Clan rules), Gundam 00...(Lockon Stratos ftw...yeah, awesome character...)

missanimefan: What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?

spiritwave: my*stops thinking of this thing called a job*

missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?

spiritwave: you mean besides dedication to no life??? ...GS...and MGO right now basically...used to draw anime a bit, but I don't have much time for that with art c1ass assignments...

missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?

spiritwave: not really, but i do have a few comin to mind right now...

"Fission Mailed." and "Believe in yourself, and create your own destiny. Don't fear failure."

missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?

spiritwave: eh...I'd like to meet a lot of my friends on here. You all seem like cool people.

missanimefan: Who was the first person you remember from GS?

spiritwave: i came from how to answer this lol...

missanimefan: Whats your favorite music?

spiritwave: hip hop/ rock(just started liking rock recently.)

missanimefan: What subject(math, english, sports, etc.)are you good at and are your favorite?

spiritwave: I think I'm good at science a bit...and I like it most because c1ass is so funny...

missanimefan: Whats you favorite music?

spiritwave: that you ask me again...I like anime op and eds more than regular songs most of the time.

missanimefan: Whats your favorite color?(random)

spiritwave: blue

missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?

spiritwave: I guess I'm a laid back kinda guy. I take things seriously though...don't get me wrong. I like competing in things...but I also don't mind losing or even losing on purpose...I usually try hard when I want to prove something or just for honor ya know. Anway...yeah...I think that was a pretty random thing to say...but I guess I can just be a random person at times..or slightly random...yeah...i like that term better..."slightly random."


Thanks to Puppy-chan for being interveiwed!!!!

Well there you have it!:o

Now on another note:

If ya lookin ta join a uni you outta check out these:

Clan of Evil Conquest

Yaoi Lovers union

Yuri fan club

Black Knights Rebellion

Thanks fer readin!

Whoa, texas moment there lol

~Miss(feel free to comment even if I dont know you lmao)