Special edition cause its been ONE year of gamespot for me!
Not as long as some of you but hey, its a long time in Miss time:P
Btw, Black cat means Yoruichi-san lol:P
This blog is a CAT blog this time!
*Yoruichi in cat form*
*passed out*
She always faints when I transform
*Miss gets up*
Warning: Long Interview lol!
missanimefan: What's your real name?
Eucalypta: LaiTing
missanimefan: How old are you?
Eucalypta: 26
missanimefan: What do you think of Gamespot?
Eucalypta: it's ok, I used to only come here to see if there were any new games. now I only come here for unions and on occasions for the blogs.
missanimefan: What unions do you like and What do you like about those unions?
Eucalypta: I have currently 3 unions I check almost daily, The Gotei 13, The Artist Canvas and The Naruto X Bleach union. I come to Gotei 13 because that was the 1rst union I got promoted to officer and they are a lively and lovely bunch over there. There is always some activity there and most people are my best friend in the Gotei 13.
The Artis Cavas is a place I always go to when I'm stuck in designing, if you are a starting designer this is seriously the place to be when you need new tips, tutorials and help on designing. I have to say i haven;t been there in a while, thats a my bad on my side .:P
The Naruto X Bleach union is an union still in revival stage, this was the 1rst union I ever joined and actually posted 1rst in an union. I came in that union when it was.... well pretty much dead but someone still bothered to welcome me soo that was nice. Since I thought nothing was going to happen there I left. I went back to check there a year later and saw the union had a change in leader (or the dude changed his account) and now he's trying to revive the union again. I hopped in to see what he's was going to do and decided to stick a while longer then last time.
missanimefan: What are some of your favorite videogames and why?
Eucalypta: hmm I'm still on the Zelda games lol I had a game break (console break) for more then.. uh 10 years?! you you can guess I missed all PS, xBox generations... the last console I have of nintendo is a SNES lol yup yup, I very very long time ago!! And now I have a Wii, not much interesting games I must say but that dont matter much since I'm not a serious hardcore gamer. In my so called gaming console absence I started playing PC games... PC? yes, I dont call that a console. sorry lol Anyway, yup PC games and most.. uh.. all of them are stragegy games like Age of Mythology, SpellForce, Warcraft, Rome: Total war and the relaxing warfare in Civilization 3&4. relaxing because it's turnbased stragegy so I have to finish my turn 1rst before anyone can go any further lol
missanimefan: What kinda-of job(if any)do you have?
Eucalypta: I am unemployed right now and in serious need in a job, I blame economic crysis. sorry I seriously need a job...
missanimefan: What are some of your hobbies?
Eucalypta: drawing, doing designs on computer. watching anime, having chat with people on MSN (I think ya know what I mean lol)but my most fav hobby of all is... sleeping lol jk
missanimefan: Do you have a favorite quote?
Eucalypta: hmm.. yup yup?!
missanimefan: Is there anyone you'd like to meet on GS in real life? Who?
Eucalypta: all the Gotei 13 people for sure, they are so friggin funny I seriously need to meet them in person
missanimefan: Who was the first person you remember from GS?
Eucalypta: Don_Shadio, also the only person that calls me Euca-neesan. That's when I decided to call him Don-kun. lol
missanimefan: Whats your favorite music?
Eucalypta: fav music... overall I still have to say 90's. to some horrible times but to me it was heaven on earth. I dont have a specific type of music I listen to. I like rock/metal, r&b/hiphop, dance/trance/drum 'n bass and sometimes even pop music. it kinda depends what mood I am, just dont give me the Britney stuff.. seriously.. no..
missanimefan: What subject(math, english, sports, etc.)are you good at and are your favorite?
Eucalypta: .... MATH!!!! mwuahahahaaaa!!! ... yes that was my favorite subject, after that was art cIass. Math and Art people are soo different.. I always have people asking me in at Art cIass how in the world I was good at math and the other way around. Those people seriously don't understand each other.
missanimefan: What's a breif summary of yourself?
Eucalypta: brief summary of myself... hmm.. ok, graduated graphic designer (print production, yes I have a certificate or whatever it's called in English) from the Netherlands. I hate chocolate, have allergies from trees/flowers and have some allergies to some food.. I dont blow dry my hair. hmm... meh.. dunno anymore unless you have some you would like to add.
Thank you Euca-san!
Since I'm bored I add in five things you may not know about me:
1. I live in Texas
2. My Real Name is Marika. Pronounced Ma-re-ka. Not merica.
3. I wear alll black
4. Im a sophomore
5. Im really nice to my friends:P (no real life though)
This has been Miss Posting on her one year anniversary of gamespoting(now a word)! THANK YOU FOR READING!