I'll get straight to the point instead of a long boring, non-related, rant! And so the study results!
The Toonami Union
Day 1:
3:05pm: So far the union seems intresting I am curious to see what the week holds in store for me...
3:13pm: I notice a choose character thread but I not sure if I'll stay yet so I won't bother with it yet...
3:24pm: It's confusing here:? I hope this doesn't make me think alot...
3:26pm: I asking to be filled in so I can understand 'em...
3:29pm: Found a thread I'll avoid due to...lets say crazy imagination I got would kill this place...
3:36pm: Lots of tags...there cool but theres ALOT seriously lol...
3:39pm: This place is soooo complex! How unamusing...oi...
3:41pm: I feel outta place...but I felt that way the first day at the Gotei 13 too so I will continue this experiment...
4:01pm: I'm good at figuring stuff out so by tommorrow I should have it figured out:P
4:06pm: I am glad it seems...active around here...this may be amusing way to kill time after all:P
4:09pm: Talking is becoming simpler...
4:15pm: One of the officers(spiritwave)...a nice person from what I've seen so far...
4:30pm: If I decide to stay on day 2 or 3 I may choose a "Official Character"
4:44pm: This seems like somewhere I'll end up staying:P Nice welcomes too lol
4:53pm: First hint of my weridness has been revealed! I responded to a post like this: Yep from "Hello" to "girl?" Cool from ", so" to "possibly." Thank ya from "Have" to "us..." and the rest is an awesome:P lol
5:36pm: I enjoy speaking with spirtwave and iamBenG...They are cool:P
6:23pm: Well this union seems intresting as I thought it might lol
6:27pm: I will end this study for today!
The Soul Society
Day 1:
3:09pm: I'm studying the union and learning about...well learning nothing yet lol...but this seems like a journey...I love adventure!
4:10pm: Cool tags:P
4:13pm: No one seems to be here right now so I'll direct my attention to a different union...
6:01pm: No activty so I end todays research of this union here for the day.
Anime Cafe
Day 1:
3:11pm: Atempting to enter disscussion...I could read the post before I showed up but I dont feel like it...
3:33pm: Doesn't seem very complecated here...thats good...
3:36pm: I need to look around abit more...
3:48pm: The leader seems cool:P I think I may like this union:D
6:04pm: I shall end todays research here...
Day 1:
Toonami Union=Pass
Soul Society=Fail
Anime Cafe=Fail
Day 2:
Toonami Union=Pass
Soul Society=Pass
Anime Cafe=Pass
Day 3:
Homepage appearence
Toonami Union=Pass
Soul Society=Pass
Anime Cafe=Pass
Day 4:
Banner and Icon
Toonami Union=Pass
Soul Society=Pass
Anime Cafe=Pass
Day 5:
Impression of leader
Toonami Union=Pass
Soul Society=Pass
Anime Cafe=Pass
Day 6:
Overall appearence
Toonami Union=Pass
Soul Society=Pass
Anime Cafe=Pass
Day 7:
A union to join? Pass=yes
Toonami Union=Pass
Soul Society=Pass
Anime Cafe=Pass
Toonami Union, Soul Society, and Anime Cafe=
*claps*I made the pass, fail, and successful pics by the way:D Anyway these unions are great! I'm staying at the toonami union...the other 2 however, I will decide on next blog, when I cut my unions down to 9 or 10...but thats later! Anyway, I may not do this again cause of school starting next week(8/25/2008). Well I'm outta stuff to say for now so laters!
Overall I think my study was:
The pics were cause I was bored and goofing off so:P