Today we went to a family party.
Instead of wearing my usual attire(Black jacket/sweater, Black shorts and skirt, dark blue polo) I changed it...
I wore my Moms clothes, A blank tank top, khaki pants, and once I got there I put my hair up too:o
I brought banana pudding and everyone loved it too^^
Well I took so pics so I'm going to go through them in order of how I took them.
First once we got there(NOTE: This is the middle of nowhere! I had no phone signal!!)me and my sister went to see what one are aunts and uncle were looking at in the front of a bulldozer. Here is what we saw:
A dead pig!! Like EWWWW! That dark stuff is blood and the white stuff from its nose was bubbling! Yuck. Katelyn(show pic of her soon)poked its stomach and liquid came out...gross.
After we left it because THE DAM THING STUNK! Me, my sister, and Katelyn walked through the woods. For awhile we though "Screw the path" eventually we got back on it though. I choose to lag behind the two:
Katelyn is the girl in blue and my sister is the one to left.
I sat at the little concrete patio where the adults talked but soon got bored. So I went for a walk on the path the 4wheelers/ATVs go on:
My family is very religous so they "prayed" here at least once. I continued on after taking the pic of that:
Eventually I ran into my sister and Katelyn riding one of the Green 4wheelers and went ahead and hopped on the back. I didn't get a pic during this time since sister gunned it and I had to hang on the side for dear life>_>
Eventually we ate. Now Katelyn and her sister, Kayley seem to hate me so Kayley through a chip at me, that I brushed aside. Second time she did I tossed it back. Katelyn said "Don't throw chips at my sister!" I said "First off, she thru it first and second I don't have to listen to crap from to stuck up brats" Kayley's response was "Oooo, you better not talk to us like that again or else" I laughed lightly and they walked off. I took a pic of their puppy Lolo they brought:
After I took a pic of them and my sister goofing off:
Katelyn is the one in blue(left) the striped and camo pants is Amy my sister(center) and the one with striped shirt and shorts is Kayley(right)
After we sat again. They began talking about s*** and one mentioned "Did your parents let her wear that?" I wanted to laugh since she meant the tank top(You'll see pic of me later) but I held my tongue. Then they proceed to say my sisters fake tattoo was better than mine. My sisters was a skull with two swords. Mine was on my left shoulder*takes pic* this:
They asked if I was allowed to use that language due to the button I wore, my response was "Yes. I'm older."(pic shown later) My sis mentioned another she'd gave me which was this:
I grew bored as they tried to insult me further so turned on my music player. Soon my Aunt Charlotte asked if I wanted to ride the red 4wheeler with her, I was like "Ehhh...sure." After going around the place once and her teaching me how it worked I dropped her off at the patio thing and drove on my own. I got to a clear spot and no one was around to tell me to get out of the way so took this:
That's one the paths before me. I decided to take a pic of me to add to my story when I told this since I actually had fun so took three pics:
The little white thing is a button. *takes pic of it* See, it says:
Well soon I ran intoJosh, Katelyn and my sister on the green 4wheeler and I turned it around and tailed them awhile til they took a dead end path, then continued riding alone for hours. Eventually I returned to the patio and we packed up. Many told me I looked good(I WASN'T WEARING ALL BLACK! Hence ability to ride the 4wheeler)and that the banana pudding was great. My sister is/was pissed I didn't let her ride the one 4wheeler I was driving. Oh well.
On the way home we rode with my Aunt Patrica and Uncle Bob and 3 my cousins. I let two use the DS and GBA SP I'd brought and made them take turns. Luckily they like me so I didn't worry they'd destroy them.
We got home. Took another shower since all that dirt and crap. Now posted this.
As you see I was too busy today to get interviews or any other thing planned for this weeks, oh well. The occasional life/today blog has to happen sometimes ne?
Hope ya'll have a great day/night!
Thanks if you read and if you comment!