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missourihw Blog

Officially The Most Hated Federation On

Guess who the most hated fed on is? ...MHW...yep that us, Missouri Hardcore Wrestling. In counting the top feds that like us are PSW, RHW and IYHWA. Oh well that gets us pumped up. We like being hated because if everyone hates us, then everyone knows us. We are most well known for the insult: HICK. and dissing almost every fed around. lol. but we like it. it add fuel to the fire. and right now, the fire is pretty big. but just because we r the most hated, doesnt mean we are bad. trust me, by a PRO wrestler, we are considered the best BACKYARD federation in St. Louis. please guys, post a commenting on us, and voice your opinion, u wont get intouble by us, just use ONLY constructive critizim.

It is back! The federation that started it all!

IT IS BACK! THE FEDERATION THAT STARTED IT ALL!...............HCW!!!!!! yep thats right! all of you who are reading this are probably like "Who is HCW?"

answer: HCW is Hardcore Championship Wresting. MHW WAS HCW then changed its name. but now its back! yes! there are only 3, yes THREE superstars in MHW that were in HCW. Tyler Matthews (Me), Daniel Neila and The Ghost. and the reigning MHW Undisputed Champion (Richard "013LIVION" was not in it. here is the site. sign the guestbook http:///

The Cardinals Won!

Man this is awsome! The STL Cardinals (My favorite and home team) won the world series. And even though the Tigers had Rogers cheat, we still won showing that we are just that much better than them. I was at my friend Richard's (013LIVION) house and we shot off fireworks. Man Detroit, you guys are plain old horrible. HAHAHAHAH

Ouch, 1 - 2 -3 and its over just like that

just the other day MHW had another event called Chaotic. In it was yours truly, me...Tyler vs. Daniel vs. Richard (O13LIVION) for the MHW Undispted Championship. well i won the submission match in it, Daniel won the normal and Richard won the Ladder match. So it went into Sudden Death where Richard won to be only the THIRD  MHW Undisputed Champion in MHW history. there is a highlight video with a FEW clips from it. they are on the homepage at or go to YouTube and type in MHW. leave a message on what u thought. Thanks.

#'s 1, 2, 3 and 4 and other vids!

MHW has 4 music video out! u can see ALL 4 of them here:

Music Video #1:   

Music Video #2:  

Music Video #3:

Music Video #4: 

Full Match - Charlie vs. Daniel (outdated):  

*Or Go To Our YouTube Home Page At*

An Expaned Missouri Hardcore Wrestling

Sup everyone, my name is Tyler and i am representing the MHW along with Richard aka O13LIVION. Post anything about MHW here. comment on our videos, anything. just keep it clean. check out the MHW site at and sign the guestbook. thanks. MHW also has a lot of vids up for the fans to see. we are VERY popular on freewebs and we have a VERY good reputation. if u want to see the videos either go to the site and go to the videos page and click on which one u want to watch or go to and type in "MHW". I recomend watching MHW MUSIC VIDEO 4. its the best. thanks. :wink:

Smackdown vs. Raw 2007

yo for everyone who is a WWE fan, you have to like WWE SD! vs. Raw 07! the only thing that makes me mad is that they put the more detailed things for the XBox360! The SD! games started out on the PS2 and they should put the best quality on the PS2