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misstrious Blog

My current obsession

As previously confessed Sci-Fi is my preferred genre of TV, movie and book (and music if you count such albums as Jeff Wayne's War Of The Worlds but I digress)

So anyway, why the current obsession with Farscape ? Well, I have watched it on and off since it first appeared on BBC 2 in the UK in 1999. But then due to my career path and other things (self destructing VCR's, mortgages, etc.) I was unable to keep up with all of the show visually either in real-time or on reply. I always kept an eye out for the adventures of John and the gang though and never missed a rare opportunity to re-acquaint myself with their adventures. But like I said this was a very casual relationship.

Then last year, I was working with a fellow Brit and we got chatting about TV, reminiscing about Sci-Fi and Dramas of our miss spent youth. Unbeknown to me he was not just a closet Farscape fan, he was a fanatic. Our conversations over lunch and dinner brought back memories of the shows I had seen and awaken desires to see the ones I had missed. At first I contented myself with reading all the synopsis's on the Internet and I even managed to get a copy of the Peacekeeper Wars for him as a Christmas present as he had been unaware of the round-off.

Anyway, yet again I digress, so as I was being re-awakened to the Farscape saga, I realised I had missed the boat as regards the DVDs. In the UK they were rarer than Hen's teeth, the same in the US and then fate stepped in, in a beautiful way. I decided to visit friends in Dubai and Australia. Whilst in Dubai I used my friends DSL Internet to do some research and found to my delight that not only was the ENTIRE series available on DVD but it was less than 50 ASD a set (about 20 GBP).

So, now I am back in my usual work environment, watching the series at the exclusion of any other TV (except for the England games in the World Cup!).

It has made me laugh out loud, cry more than once and totally remember my Space dreams of my childhood.

And so I continue....

As much as I have fallen so totally under the spell of Farscape, it is only 4 seasons (and one mini-series) long and therefore cannot sustain my error correction addiction indefinitely, so I now turn to other shows, some favourites (Blake's 7, Stargate) and some just random selections.

Like I said before this allows me to visit memory lane and to also increase my knowledge of shows I have not seen (and unfortunately in some cases will never see).

I have been into Science Fiction since 1977 (a great water shed for most people, in the UK it was the year of the hottest summer and the opening of Star Wars) and even then I knew I was always going to have a soft spot for the anti-hero. As my friends left the cinema with thoughts of the flaxen haired boy hero Luke dancing in their eyes, I dreamt of the ever-so-dangerous, not quite trustworthy Han!

So began my decent into the world of robots, lasers, unkillable baddies and self-less goodies. Where the lines between good and bad are regularly jumped across and usually blurred beyond all recognition.

Here goes nothing...

So this is not only my first blog entry.....but I may say, more than a little ashamedly, my first blog entry EVER. Surprising that I have been so slow to jump on the bandwagon as I am not usually know for being so reticent when voicing my thoughts and opinions !!!

I actually joined over a year ago, and have dipped my toe in through the last few months, finding new information about recent shows and travelling down memory lane for others. My particular penchant is for trivia and quotes and my personal bugbear is for poor formatting, grammar and spelling ! So to this end I seem to find myself happily (worryingly so to some extent) in the role of an English Teacher (sort of). Going through entries and correcting the above errors. I mean no offense to the original creators and mean only to polish the good work they have already attributed.

If I get the hang of this blog thing I fully intend to expand on it. Some maybe useful, most will be surreal and there will be ith odd rambling thought here and there.

Anyone reading this (heaven knows why) who wishes to drop me a line, etc. is more than welcome.