Woooooooooow...I love so many of these songs that people have listed! (See: Great DJ, Pokerface, Bad Romance, I Gotta Feeling, My Humps, Barbie Girl) :oops: But, in my defense, I was raised primarily on "80's, 90's, and today" stations and Radio Disney, so pop is pretty much my jam, although I will listen to nearly anything /shrugs. Anyhoo, I'm not going to list anything from Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, The Jonas Brothers, or any of these other artists several people have listed, because as they have already stated, I hate EVERYTHING from them, and the question was specific songs. So:
1) Blow - Ke$ha
2) Single Ladies - Beyonce (Yes, it's catchy, but there is too much of a good thing.)
3) Eh Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) - Lady Gaga [I love Gaga, but this song...sweet Lord. It drives me CRAZY]
4) Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold. "Dear God" indeed.
5) Well...for number five, I'm going to have to break my rule and say ANYTHING by Alanis Morissette. I genuinely cannot understand how anyone can stand to listen to her. When she opens her mouth, every orifice of my body starts leaking blood, my body starts automatically trying to defend itself from whatever force of evil is attacking it, and I feel the need to kill anything that gets in my path. Like seriously, there are a ton of artists that I don't care for, but I can appreciate their talents, I honestly just cannot wrap my mind around the fact that anyone can like her. I'm convinced that she is Lucifer in disguise, because I swear that everytime I hear a song by her I hear angels weeping and gnashing their teeth in agony as they cry out for mercy or beg that she end their suffering quickly. Anyways...off that soapbox. There's my list! :)
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