misterfrank's forum posts
Yes, I have 1 post. I have been on these forums for a long time, decided to finally create an account.
All I see around SW is lemmings gloating and boasting about their superior sales, and the abyssmal PS3 sales. Maybe this is because 360 has such an inferior 09' lineup compared to PS3, or maybe it's because PS2 fanboys did the same during last gen... highly doubt that as most PS2 owners have now gotten a 360.
Anyways, my point is that without competition, if the PS3 fails and stops production, then the 360 has no real competition. Competition brings out the best in everybody.
Look at the Wii is an example. They have had possibly the worst year ever in gaming... and likely because they didnt need to. People are buying wii's either way, its the cool thing to do. software sales are terrible for the wii, if you compare them to the hardware sales.
Look at the PS3, as an example of why competition is good. They are in last place. So what did they do? They had the best 2008 lineup of all,, and their 2009 looks even better. Microsoft on the other hand isnt really producing exclusives, but instead buying out DLC or previous PS3 exclusives. A decent strategy, but all these games are still on PS3.
Just my 2 cents.
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