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mitchellfbm21 Blog

Games that must have obviously read my blog!!

There are obviously plenty of good games out there on the psp and the reason they're successful is because there not rip offs of console games. Just look at Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and Resistance Retribution, two of the best psp games on the market today and the reasoning is simple. DEDICATION!!! Both of those games are series that were huge on the ps3 and now aswell on the psp. Becausethey didn't dedicate there attention to a ps3 game and just crank out a toned down to the point were it's not worth playin psp version, they dedicated a psp only origanal story line and just look were it got them!!! Any game develepor who dedicates there time to a psp game and not some lame rip off will succeed.

Why psp conversion games stink

Lets face it,most psp versions of big name games on consoles suck and suck hard. Why is this? Because there main focus is on there flagship console(s). Now im not naming any names (*cough battle front 2, army of two: 40th day, ghost recon *cough) but we all were dissapointed. As I was sayingthe reasoning is all in the dedication. If you can't be bothered to atleast attempt a decent portable version of a game thats big on a console don't bother. PSP gamers are gamers to and we deserve quality games not some squeezed out rip off.....