First of all i want to say thank you for everything you have already incorporated it has been a huge help. However i do have one problem i wish to address. What has happened to multi-platform ratings?
For example i had rated 'Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone' on PC, GBA, PS1 and PS2 however the only rating that appears in my ratings list is for PS1. When trying to add back the ratings for the other platforms i noticed there is no way (that i can see) to make a rating for a specific platform without giving it a full review. Secondly if i wish to make a new rating, for example 'The Saboteur' the site automatically makes my rating for the platform which is first in the platforms list when you make a full review, in the case that is BB.
I noticed somebody had already mentioned that many of their ratings where appearing as a different platform to the one they made the rating for on the old site, this doesn't bother me that much however it is impossible to fix them as i can't seem to be able to make a rating for the correct platform.
lastly kudos for fixing the Japanese titles issue, no longer getting any of those.
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