@RSM-HQ: I haven't played it since Resident Evil 4 so I completely forgot about it. Thank you.
Mixox29's forum posts
So I'm looking for a game that has a similar environment to Crysis 2 and Prototype 1 & 2, to be specific I'm looking for a game that has that dark feeling of a virus spreading, panic, army taking control of the city, no one knows what's going on... something like that. Doesn't matter if it's FPS or Open world game I'll take any suggestions.
World of Warcraft, doesn't matter how much I hate it sometimes I still come back to it . Made a lot of friends there, spent a massive amount of time on it, and am still playing it.
Others I enjoyed are: Skyrim, Prototype 1 & 2, Crysis series, ESO, Wolfenstein series, Half-Life 2, GTA series, Starcraft 2, Diablo 2, Warcraft 3
Listed games are what I played to take a break from WoW
Playing racing games with controller just looks smoother in my opinion.
I'd like 2 character that you would be able to swap, male and female, both crazy.
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