@arsy130 @mj23007 Ill miss halo and gears a lot, but maybe gears will be multiplatform this time around, my brothers and I are just not going to support MS after this used game stunt they pulled.
don't get me wrong im always glad their is competiion just like I wanted xbox to win the last console war, with MS getting greedy I want ps4 to stomp the completion this time around. Make a statement for all of us.
HAHAHA screw MS for trying to screw the gamers with no BC and theyre used games policy, throw in $100 price difference and I guess all that adds up to me not missing halo that much.
If this is really true M$ wont be getting my money, I was a die hard fan of halo since the orginial xbox and was at launch for the 360, think ill go PS4 this time around. No Backwards compatibility and a fee for used games is just ridiculous anybody who buys this console and supports this is stupid. SOrry it just promotes this crap, imagine if you couldn't let your brother or family member borrow your blurays????
If this is really true M$ wont be getting my money, I was a die hard fan of halo since the orginial xbox and was at launch for the 360, think ill go PS4 this time around. No Backwards compatibility and a fee for used games is just ridiculous anybody who buys this console and supports this is stupid. SOrry it just promotes this crap, imagine if you couldn't let your brother or family member borrow your blurays????
If this is really true M$ wont be getting my money, I was a die hard fan of halo since the orginial xbox and was at launch for the 360, think ill go PS4 this time around. No Backwards compatibility and a fee for used games is just ridiculous anybody who buys this console and supports this is stupid. SOrry it just promotes this crap, imagine if you couldn't let your brother or family member borrow your blurays????
mj23007's comments