mjBEAST's forum posts
I know there is a sequel but Parasite Eve was a great game with a cool story. Or aleast a remake would be nice.
Do it real matter? Lets be honest, there is only a handful of good or decent games on the PS3. But over the next year it will be the PS3 time to shine. I like to call it "PS3 HEAVEN".
MGS4, Killzone 2, Unreal Tournament 3, Haze, Burnout Paradise, FF, Resident Evil 5, COD 4, GTA IV, Little Big Planet, Heavenly Sword, Assassins Creed, Lair, Stranglehold & Ratchet & Clank
Not all of this games are exclusives, but the ones that are are going to rock!!!
MGS4 and Killzone2...DON'T MAKE ME CHOSE!!!!!!!
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