GameSpot, IGN, Giantbomb, Gametrailers...they all have their GOTY awards, but only one matters - mine. Why?
Because I said so.
For part 1 I will give you a run down on my top choice from the following three categories:
Don't get me wrong, games in this category don't necessarily suck. They either didn't live up to the hype or I felt it could have been so much more.
WINNER - Assassins Creed Revelations- 16th century Constantinople was pretty awesome, but I was hoping to see the story of Desmond advance further and something more special from Ezio's final outing.
This title is one of the many that is still shrink wrapped and yet to get any attention. I know it's good, many people tell me so, but I just haven't had the time to open it yet.
WINNER - Xenoblade Chronicles - I was too impatient to wait for this to release in Australia, so I imported it from the UK at full price. I just hope I get to it before it hits the bargain bin!
We don't all have the time to play each and every game released within the year, so here I give you the top game I played for the first time, but came out before 2011.
WINNER - Mafia 2 - I got this cheap from a digital download store and it's also winner of the best bargain for the year. I had so much fun with this game that had it been released this year, it definitely would have been a contender for my GOTY.
That's all for now. Keep an eye out for Part 2 and I hope you all have a great Christmas!