@Gomtor: Probably more sheep like you that keep repeating the same thing over and over. Baaa Baaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaa same game Baaaa Baaaaaa Baaaaaaaa like me please Baaaaaaaaaaaa I'm hip and cool because im hating on a game Baaaaaaaaaaaa. Loseeeeeerrrrrrrrr
@phili878: "did we see it back then" no because you didn't have a bloody chat function nor were any of these consoles online (with the exception of PC LAN) so that makes absolute sense why you didn't get it back then. That's not just gaming that's media and life in general, little kids shouting and swearing at each other and you're telling me you didn't do that too? If you didn't you must have lived a very sheltered life (that's really not a dig at your way of life or anything lol just in general when I was a kid I loved things like messing about, winding up elders and swearing when I could get away with it haha!!)
Don't get me wrong my favourite game is Final Fantasy 7 but that can't be included in your list of great games because that's when it started to go downhill right? I'm guessing its just the generation that you are brought up in that has the fondest memories but hardly anything holds up nowadays (except doom haha! doom is and always will be absolutely amazing, I'd take a remake of FF7 over the original any day of the week and that's my favourite game of all time lol why? Because I love 2016 style of gaming, action orientated, gorgeous, technically sound (fingers crossed) massively detailed open world etc it will obliterate the original if it is done right) because my best gaming years until this generation was the PS1 generation. It had the best games in my opinion, the most fun (a lot of bloatware but no one forced you to buy any of it, but the AAA's and platformers were incredible, even the niche Japanese stuff was incredible)
Your opinion isn't fact you are aware of that right? and with an attitude like yours I couldn't care less about what you think of my credibility, it's irrelevant to me and won't stop me buying games in 2016. Sucks that you aren't enjoying it anymore but there are literally millions (except the vocal minority that you are calling "the gaming community that witnessed both ages" it might look like they care but its just people on forums, for every person on a forum there will be 10 enjoying whatever they are whinging about - just like movies, music and TV)
Excellent news! Love Fifa demo time of the year!! Tried the PES demo and it's a step back from 16 in my opinion. Wasn't feeling it (visually it is incredible though, the character models will beat Fifa this year I think regardless of the new engine) and I preferred 16's gameplay. It might be a switch-around again this year with Fifa being the better game but the demo will tell! :)
@phili878: Or maybe gaming has grown past that stale old rickety boring never ending landscapes, taking 20 mins to find another player? Maybe Dice wanted to stop doing the same? You can keep blaming everyone else but these "crap" games you are talking about are the games that have put the families of the devs in comfortable positions, Do I think EA are milking it? Yes I do but just because people other than yourself are enjoying different things doesn't mean the industry is being ruined, talk about blowing it way out of proportion. Do I want the games to go bigger? I couldn't actually care because if they did I wouldn't be sat here crying about it shouting about "all you young'ens are ruining the industry" etc I'd just move onto another game until they went back to how I liked it, or I'd keep playing the older games (if they are that great then servers would be populated)
You're stretching that a bit much there dude, 3/4 games were good? There was more shovelware on PC, PS1, PS2, Xbox, Nintendo, Sega consoles back then than there is now! Indies are massive in 2016 but shovelware has been about for decades in gaming so that was blatant rubbish (I hope you have been supporting indies Mr 5 guys in a studio sweating there arses off to make a game and scrape by) I think gaming has never been better for what I like to play, shooters are oversaturated and the only thing that would change it is stopping annual releases which isn't going to happen its simple as, that's like asking a joiner to stop working because he's making too much money!
@phili878: ahh I see you're one of those high and mighty og gamers that thinks because you've gamed longer you're somehow superior gotcha :) never answered my question. What games do you play that are not for simpletons (nms doesn't help you here that's the epitome of a simple game)
mjgrierson's comments